food plants - other

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- "M" (J. I. Montefiore) 1837, 17 April. Sketches of New Zealand. The Woman in the Moon; Food Plants of the Maori . The Sydney Herald : 2
- Acaena anserinifolia. Piripiri. Hutiwai. Bidibid.
- Aciphylla spp. Taramea. Papaī. Speargrass.
- Agaricus sp. Tipitaha. Field mushroom?
- Agrocybe parasitica. Tawaka. Edible fungus.
- Alectryon excelsus. Tītoki.
- Anderson A. W. 1955. Maori food plants Part I: The indigenous species. The Gardener's Chronicle 137: 60-61
- Anderson A. W. 1955. Maori food plants Part II: The introduced species. The Gardener's Chronicle 137 (3556): 88-89
- Anisotome spp. Anisotome aromatica. Kopoti.
- Apium prostratum. Shore celery. Tūtae kōau
- Aristotelia serrata. Makomako. Wineberry.
- Arthropodium cirratum. Rengarenga. Renga lily.
- Aseroe rubra. Puapua-a-Atutahi. Flower fungus.
- Asplenium bulbiferum. Mouku. Hen and chicken fern.
- Asplenium oblongifolium. Huruhuru whenua. Shining spleenwort.
- Astelia banksii. Wharawhara. Coastal astelia.
- Astelia nervosa. Kakaha. Bush lily.
- Astelia solandri. Kōwharawhara. Kahakaha. Perching astelia.
- Auckland Star. 29 March 1900. Report on Māori housewarming ceremony at Whakarewarewa. Foods used in feast.
- Auricularia cornea. Hakeke. Hakeka. Ear fungus.
- Barbarea spp. Winter cress. Toi.
- Beaglehole J. C. (ed.) 1955-1974. The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Vol III: The voyage of the Resolution and the Discovery 1776-1780. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Beattie H. 1920. Nature Lore of the Southern Maori. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 52: 53-77
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Beilschmiedia tarairi. Taraire.
- Beilschmiedia tawa "variety". Tawa. Rua Rangi.
- Beilschmiedia tawa. Tawa.
- Bell Muriel E. 1974. Toxicology of karaka kernel, karakin, and beta-nitropropionic acid. New Zealand Journal of Science 17: 327-334
- Berggren Sven 1874-1875. New Zealand Diary 1874-1875. Translation by Barbo Macnamara of the original in the Library of Lund Univeristy, Sweden. 1969.
- Berry John 1997. A man's tall dream. The story of Eastwoodhill. Gisborne, New Zealand, Eastwoodhill Trust Board.
- Best Elsdon 1902. Food products of Tuhoeland: being notes on the food-supplies of a non-agricultural tribe of the natives of New Zealand: together with some account of various customs, superstitions etc. pertaining to foods. . Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (35): 45-111
- Best Elsdon 1904. Notes on the custom of rahui. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13: 83-88
- Best Elsdon 1916. Maori storehouses and kindred structures. Dominion Museum Bulletin 5
- Best Elsdon 1922. The taro. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 5: 204-205
- Best Elsdon 1925. Maori Agriculture. Dominion Museum Bulletin 9
- Best Elsdon 1942. Forest lore of the Maori. Dominion Museum Bulletin 14
- Blechnum chambersii. Rereti. Lance fern.
- Blechnum discolor. Piupiu. Petipeti. Crown fern.
- Blechnum novae-zelandiae. Kiokio.
- Body D. R. 1983. The lipid composition of karaka seeds. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 60(11): 1894-1895
- Bolboschoenus fluviatilis. Kukuraho. Marsh clubrush.
- Boltenia pachydermatina. Sea tulip. Kāeo.
- Botrychium australe. Pātōtara. Parsley fern.
- Brachyglottis repanda. Rangiora.
- Bradbury J. H., Egan S. V., Matthews P. J. 1995. Cyanide content of the leaves and stems of edible aroids. Phytochemical Analysis 6: 268-271
- Brassica oleracea. Wild cabbage. Nanī.
- Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris. Pōhata. Wild turnip.
- Buchanan John 1876. On the root-stock of Marattia fraxinea, Smith. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 9: 527-529
- Bussell W. T., Goldsmith Z. 1998. Exotic taro in New Zealand. Commercial Grower 53(8)
- Calvatia caelata. Pukurau. Puffball.
- Calystegia sepium. Pōhue. New Zealand bindweed.
- Cambie R. C., Ferguson L. R. 2003. Potential functional foods in the traditional Maori diet. Mutation Research 523-524: 109-117
- Cambie R. C., Seelye R. N. 1959. Note on the identification of manuka manna. New Zealand Journal of Science 2: 498
- Cardamine debilis. Panapana. New Zealand bitter cress.
- Carter C. L. 1943. Karakin, the glucoside of Corynocarpus laevigata and hiptagenic acid. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 64: 238
- Carter C. L., McChesney W. J. 1949. Hiptagenic acid identified as beta-nitropropionic acid. Nature 164: 575
- Caulerpa germinata. Seaweed. Grapelets. Rimurimu.
- Chandra S. (ed.) 1984. Edible aroids. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
- Cheeseman T. F. 1900. Notes on the cultivated food plants of the Polynesians, with special reference to the tī pore Cordyline terminalis. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 33: 306-311
- Chenopodium album. Huainanga. Fat-hen.
- Clematis paniculata. Puawānanga.
- Coates D. J., Yen D. E., Gaffey P. M. 1988. Chromosome variation in taro, Colocasia esculenta: implications for origin in the Pacific. Cytologia 53: 551-560
- Colenso William 1844. Journal of a Naturalist in some little known parts of New Zealand. The London Journal of Botany 3: 1-62
- Colenso William 1868. On the geographic and economic botany of the North Island of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-58
- Colenso William 1868. On the Maori Races of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-76
- Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
- Colenso William 1881. On the fine perception of colours possessed by the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 50-76
- Colenso William 1884. In Memoriam. An account of visits to, and crossings over, the Ruahine Mountain Range, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; and of the natural history of that region; performed in 1845-1847; cum multis aliis. Daily Telegraph
- Colenso William 1891. Vestiges: Reminiscences, memorabilia of works, deeds and sayings of the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 24: 445-467
- Colocasia esculenta. Taro.
- Coprosma grandifolia. Manono. Kanono.
- Coprosma lucida. Karamū.
- Coprosma repens. Taupata.
- Coprosma robusta. Karamū.
- Cordyceps robertsii. Āwhato. Vegetable caterpillar fungus.
- Cordyline australis. Tī kōuka. Cabbage tree.
- Cordyline banksii. Tī ngahere. Forest cabbage tree.
- Cordyline fruticosa. Tī pore. Pacific cabbage tree.
- Cordyline indivisa. Tōī. Mountain cabbage tree.
- Cordyline pumilio. Dwarf cabbage tree. Tī rauriki.
- Cordyline sp. Mauku.
- Cordyline sp. Tī tawhiti. Tī para.
- Coriaria arborea. C. sarmentosa. Tutu.
- Coriaria spp. Small-leaved tutu
- Corynocarpus laevigatus. Karaka.
- Cowan J. 1910. The breadfruit tree in Māori tradition. Journal of the Polynesian Society 19: 94-96
- Crawford J. C. 1876. On New Zealand coffee. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 9: 545-546
- Crowe Andrew 1981. A field guide to the native edible plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Collins. 194 p.
- Crowe Andrew 1990. Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Hodder and Stoughton. 200 p.
- Cucurbita spp. Kamokamo. Pumpkins.
- Cyathea colensoi. Mountain tree fern.
- Cyathea medullaris. Mamaku.
- Cyathea smithii. Soft tree fern. Kātote.
- Cyathodes juniperina. Mingimingi.
- Dacrycarpus dacrydioides. Kahikatea. White pine.
- Dacrydium cupressinum. Rimu.
- De Lange P. J., Norton D. A. 1996. To what New Zealand plant does the vernacular "scurvy grass" refer? New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 417-420
- Dieffenbach Ernest 1843. Travels in New Zealand. London, John Murray.
- Dioscorea spp. Yam. Uwhi.
- Disphyma australe. Horokaha. New Zealand ice plant.
- Durvillaea antarctica. Rimurapa. Bull kelp.
- Edible fungus. Hawai.
- Edible fungus. Kapua.
- Edible fungus. Ngawari.
- Edible fungus. Pōhata.
- Edible fungus. Tīpa. Tūpā.
- Edible fungus. Wairuru.
- Elaeocarpus dentatus. Hīnau.
- Elsdon Best letters to Beattie between 1917-1919. Notes on food, NZ flax. Unpublished ms, Hocken Library.
- Ferdon Edwin N. 1988. A case for taro preceding kūmara as a dominant domesticate in ancient New Zealand. Journal of Ethnobiology 8(1): 1-5
- Fern. Koka.
- Ficinia spiralis. Pīngao.
- Fitchett F. 1908. A contribution to our knowledge of the physiological action of tutin. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 41: 286-366
- Fitzroy Robert 1839. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. London, Henry Colburn. 657 p.
- Forster Georg 1786. De Plantis Esculentis Insularum Oceani Australis Commentatio Botanica. Berlin, Apud Haude and Spener. 80 p.
- Fragaria spp. Strawberry. Whereki, tōpere, rōpere.
- Fraser W. M. 1925. The Poor Knights Island: A brief account of the Māori occupation. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 8: 8-14
- Freycinetia banksii. Kiekie. Weaving plant.
- Fuchsia excorticata. Kōtukutuku. Kōnini. Tree fuchsia.
- Fuller David 1978. Māori food and cookery. Auckland, Reed.
- Fungi. Mushrooms. Harore.
- Fungus. Harori-atua. Harori-tui. Taylor
- Fungus. Ipurangi. Toadstool.
- Fungus. Tehetehe.
- Fungus. Waewaeatua.
- Garven Peter, Nepia Marty, Ashwell Harold 1997. Te Whakatau Kaupapa o Murihiku. Ngai Tahu resource management strategy for the Southland region. Aoraki Press.
- Gastrodia cunninghamii. Perei. Hūperei.
- Gastrodia sesamoides. Māikaika.
- Gaultheria antipoda. Tāwiniwini. Snowberry.
- Gaultheria depressa. Snowberry.
- Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium. Hangehange.
- Geranium homeanum. Pinakitere. Cut-leaved cranesbill.
- Gigartina clavifera. Rehia. Irish moss. Red seaweed.
- Gigartina decipiens. Rehia. Irish moss.
- Gigartina spp. Rehia. Irish moss. Carrageen.
- Gracilaria spp. Red seaweed.
- Graham Geo. 1922. Rua-Kōpiha. A peculiar type of kūmara storepit. Journal of the Polynesian Society 31: 122-124
- H. B. F. 1961. Food in the Bush. Tuatara 9(2): 85-86
- Hammond T. G. 1894. The kumara, perei and taewa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 3: 237-238
- Hammond T. G. 1901. Te Tai Hauauru (or West Coast). Journal of the Polynesian Society 10: 194-202
- Hansard G. A. Journal of the voyage of the Acheron. Manuscript, Hocken Library, transcribed by Sheila Natusch.
- Harris G. F., Te Whaiti H. 1996. Rengarenga lilies and Māori occupation at Matakitaki-a-Kupe (Cape Palliser). Journal of the Polynesian Society 105(3): 271-285
- Harris Graham 1996, June. The significance of rengarenga Arthropodium cirratum to Maori. The New Zealand Garden Journal: 19-21
- Harris Graham 1997, 18 September. Rengarenga - a striking little lily. Evening Post
- Harris Graham 1997, September. Huperei - the Black Orchid. The New Zealand Garden Journal: 7-9
- Harris Graham 1998, 27 August. Karaka - the glossy green of the coast. Evening Post
- Harris Graham 1998, 6 November. Puha on Pliny's menu. The Dominion
- Harris W., Heenan P. B. 1991. The connection between 'Tī Tawhiti', a Māori crop plant, and the ornamental cultivar Cordyline 'Thomas Kirk'. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Land Resources Technical Record 45
- Harris W., Mann J. D. 1994. Preliminary investigation of the suitability of Cordyline australis (Asphodelaceae) as a crop for fructose production. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 22: 439-451
- Harris Warwick, Heenan Peter 1991, September. Whence "Tī Tawhiti"?. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 25: 7-9
- Hay J. 1915. Reminiscences of earliest Canterbury and its settlers. Christchurch, The Christchurch Press Co.
- Hay W. D. 1882. Brighter Britain! or Settler and Māori in Northern New Zealand. London, Bentley and Son.
- Head L. F. (translator). Tī kōuka. Te Karanga 6 (1): 15-16
- Heaphy Charles 1842. Narrative of a residence in various parts of New Zealand. Capper Press reprint.
- Hericium clathroides. Pekepeke-kiore. Fungus icicles.
- Hodge W. H. 1973. Fern foods of Japan and the problem of toxicity. American Fern Journal 63(3): 77-80
- Hoheria populnea. H. sextylosa. Houhere. Lacebark.
- Holdom Karen 1998, April 5. Humble honey may be a new weapon in the war against super bugs. Sunday Star-Times
- Horrocks M., Shane P. A., Barber I. G., D'Costa D. M., Nichol S. L. 2004. Microbotanical remains reveal Polynesian agrictulture and mixed cropping in early New Zealand. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 131: 147-157
- Horrocks Mark, Fones Martin, Beever Ross, Sutton Doug 2001, May - June. Gourds, truffles and coprolites. New Zealand Geographic 51: 8-9
- Hughes H. G. 1870. On certain properties of the tutu plant. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 3: 237-243
- Ileodictyon cibarium. Basket fungus.Tūtae-whatitiri. Whareatua.
- Ileostylus micranthus. Small-leaved mistletoe. Pirinoa. Pirita.
- Ixerba brexioides. Tāwari. Whākou.
- Jones Kevin L. 1986. Polynesian settlement and horticulture in two river catchments of the eastern North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology 8: 5-32
- Kirk T. 1878. On the export of fungus from New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 454-456
- Knightia excelsa. Rewarewa.
- Koiri. Edible seaweed.
- Korthalsella salicornioides. Leafless mistletoe. Pirita.
- Lagenaria siceraria. Hue. Gourd.
- Leach H. M. 1989. Traditional Māori horticulture - success and failure in Aotearoa. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Science 23: 34-35
- Leach H. M. Ward G. K. ed. 1986. A review of culinary and nutritional adaptations involving wild plant foods following Polynesian settlement of New Zealand. Canberra, Canberra Archaeological Society.
- Leach H., Stowe C. 2005. Oceanic arboriculture at the margins - the case of the karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) in Aotearoa . Journal of the Polynesian Society 114(1): 7-27
- Leach Helen 1984. 1000 years of gardening in New Zealand. Wellington, Reed. 157 p.
- Lepidium oleraceum. Nau. Cook's scurvy grass.
- Leptopteris superba. Heruheru. Prince of Wales feathers.
- Leptospermum scoparium. Mānuka. Kahikatoa.
- Leucopogon fasciculatus. Mingimingi.
- Leucopogon fraseri. Pātotara.
- Lophomyrtus bullata. Ramarama.
- Luzuriaga parviflora. Lantern berry. Pūwatawata.
- Macrocystis pyrifera. Bladder kelp.
- Macropiper excelsum. Kawakawa.
- Madgwick Paul 1992. Aotea. A history of the South Westland Māori. Greymouth Evening Star
- Maingay Joan 1985. Te Hue - people and a plant. M.A. thesis, Auckland University.
- Makereti (Maggie Papakura), Penniman T. K. (ed.) 1938. The Old-time Maori. London, Gollancz.
- Marattia salicina. Para. King fern.
- Massal Emile, Barrau Jacques 1956. Food plants of the South Sea Islands. South Pacific Commission. 51pp.
- Matthews Peter J. 1984. Colocasia esculenta in New Zealand: Ngā Taro o Aotearoa. MSc thesis, University of Auckland.
- Matthews Peter J. 1985. Nga taro o Aotearoa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 94: 253-272
- Matthews Peter J. 1995. Aroids and the Austronesians. Tropics 4(2): 105-126
- McKenzie E. H. C. 1983. Mycological history and exploration in New Zealand. Archives of Natural History 11(2): 233-247
- McNab Robert 1904. D'Urville's description of 1832 and 1840 story of a voyage to Stewart Island and Dusky. Article in Southern Standard 2 December 1904.
- Metrosideros excelsa. Pōhutukawa.
- Metrosideros fulgens. Akakura. Rātā vine.
- Metrosideros robusta. Northern rātā.
- Microsorum pustulatum. Pāraharaha. Hound's tongue fern.
- Microtis unifolia. Māikaika.
- Mikaere Buddy 1988. Te Maiharoa and the Promised Land. Auckland, Heinemann.
- Mitcalfe Barry 1969. The significance of karaka in an assessment of pre-European land utilization. Journal of the Polynesian Society 78(2): 259-261
- Molloy Brian 1990. The origin, relationships, and use of karaka or kopi (Corynocarpus laevigatus). In: Harris W., Kappoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, 22-26 February 1988: 48-53.
- Monkhouse William Brougham. Appendix IV In: Beaglehole J. C. 1955. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery. The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768 - 1771. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Moyer B. M. et al. 1979. 3-Nitropropanoyl-D-Glucopyranoses of Corynocarpus laevigatus. Phytochemistry 18: 111-113
- Muehlenbeckia australis. Large-leaved muehlenbeckia.
- Muehlenbeckia complexa. Pōhuehue.
- Myoporum laetum. Ngaio.
- Nasturtium officinale. Kōwhitiwhiti. Watercress.
- Nelson W. A. 1984. Porphyra (Karengo). Biology, uses and harvesting. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Information Service Leaflet Fishdex 29
- Neomyrtus pedunculata. Rōhutu.
- Nestegis montana. Rōroro. Narrow-leaved maire.
- O'Donnell E. 1929. Te Hekenga. Early days in Horowhenua. Being the reminiscences of Mr Rod McDonald. Palmerston North, New Zealand, G. H. Bennett.
- Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae. Māikaika. Perei. Horned orchid.
- Owens J. M. R. 1972. Missionary medicine and Māori health. Journal of the Polynesian Society 81(4): 418
- Palmer-Jones T. , White E. P. 1949. A recent outbreak of honey poisoning. Part VII: Observations on the toxicity and toxin of the tutu. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 31A(2): 46-56
- Panoff F. 1972. Maenge taro and Cordyline: Elements of a Melanesian key. Journal of the Polynesian Society 81(3): 375-390
- Parkinson S. 1773. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas in His Majesty's The Endeavour. London, Stanfield Parkinson.
- Peraxilla tetrapetala. Pirirangi. Red-flowering mistletoe.
- Pholiota sp. aff. adiposa. Harore. Hawai. Edible fungus.
- Phormium sp. Edible flax. Kōpakipaki-ika.
- Phormium tenax. Harakeke.
- Physalis peruviana. Cape gooseberry.
- Pimelea arenaria. Autetaranga. Sand pimelea.
- Pimelea prostrata. Pinātoro. Strathmore weed.
- Pisonia brunoniana. Parapara. Bird catcher tree.
- Plagianthus regius. Mānatu. Lowland ribbonwood.
- Platt Graeme. Observations on karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus) and its fruit. Auckland Botanical Society Journal 58 (1): 29-31
- Pneumatopteris pennigera. Pākau. Piupiu. Gully fern.
- Poa billardierei. Sand tussock. Pouaka
- Podocarpus totara. Tōtara.
- Pollock Nancy 1992. These Roots Remain. Food habits in islands of the Central and Eastern Pacific since Western contact. University of Hawaii Press.
- Polyporus spp. Popoia-hakeke. Woody pore fungi.
- Polystichum richardii. Pikopiko. Shield fern.
- Porphyra columbina. Karengo
- Portulaca oleracea. Purslane.
- Potts T. H. 1879. Notes from New Zealand. Nature 19: 21-22
- Pouteria costata. Tawāpou.
- Powhetu, Pohio 1951, 10 June. On Māori life in Hawkes Bay. Talk given to local Royal Society. On file, Napier Museum Library.
- Pratia angulata. Pānakenake.
- Prendergast Hew D. V., Decker-Walters Deena S. 2000. Preserving the gourd perspective (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. [Cucurbitaceae] ). Economic Botany 54(4): 424-426
- Prendergast Hew D. V., Kennedy Max J., Webby Rosemary F., Markham Kenneth R. 2000. Pollen cakes of Typha spp. [Typhaceae] - "lost" and living food. Economic Botany 54(3): 254-255
- Prumnopitys ferruginea. Miro.
- Prunus persica. Peach. Pītiti.
- Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum. Cudweed. Pukatea.
- Pteridium esculentum. Rārahu. Aruhe. Fernroot. Bracken.
- Purapura ?
- Raorao.
- Rhodes L. L., Eagles H. A. 1984. Origins of maize in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27(2): 151-156
- Rhopalostylis sapida. Nīkau.
- Riley Murdoch 1988. Māori vegetable cooking, traditional and modern methods. Paraparaumu, New Zealand, Viking Sevenseas New Zealand Ltd.
- Rimiparo? Seaweed.
- Ripogonum scandens. Kareao. Supplejack.
- Roberts R. G. 1955. Coral Island cookery. Journal of the Polynesian Society 64(2)
- Rorippa palustris. Marsh yellow cress.
- Rubus spp. Tārewarewa (?)
- Rubus spp. Tātarāmoa. Bush lawyer.
- Rumex flexuosus. Runa. NZ dock.
- Rumex neglectus. Shore dock.
- Shand Alexander 1892. The Occupation of the Chatham Islands Part II: Migration of Ngātiawa to Chatham Island. Journal of the Polynesian Society 1
- Shand Alexander 1904. The early history of the Morioris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 37: 144-156
- Shand Alexander 1911. The Moriori People of the Chatham Islands: their history and traditions. Memoirs of the Polynesian Society.
- Sharp Andrew (ed.) 1971. Duperrey's visit to New Zealand in 1824. Wellington, Alexander Turnbull Library.
- Simpson, Philip 1994. Cabbage trees on pā - interim report. Archaeology in New Zealand 37(1): 13-22
- Smith S. Percy 1893. Note and queries. Journal of the Polynesian Society 2: 126
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- Solanum aviculare. Solanum laciniatum. Poroporo.
- Solanum nigrum. Raupeti. Black nightshade.
- Sonchus asper. Kautara. Wekeweke. Prickly sow thistle.
- Sonchus kirkii. Raurōroa. Shore puha.
- Sonchus oleraceus. Rauriki. Pūhā. Sow thistle.
- Sonchus spp. names. Sow thistle. Puha. (Best)
- Sparrow Jacqueline 1996. Conspicuous colocasia. New Zealand Gardener October 1996: 134
- Stellaria media. Chickweed. Kohukohu.
- Syzygium maire. Maire tawake. Black maire.
- Tarakawa Takaanui (translated P. Smith). 1893. The Coming of Te Arawa and Tainui canoes from Hawaiki to New Zealand. Journal of the Polynesian Society 2: 231-252
- Taraxacum magellanicum. Tohetaka. Native dandelion.
- Taraxacum officinale. Tawao. Introduced dandelion.
- Taro cultivar. Pongo, Turitaka, Pōtango. Pongi.
- Taro cultivar. Awanga.
- Taro cultivar. Kinakina.
- Taro cultivar. Mamaku. Haukopa.
- Taro cultivar. Ngongoro.
- Taro cultivar. Tokotokohau.
- Taro cultivar. Uhikoho. Uhiraurenga.
- Taro cultivar. Wairuaārangi.
- Taro cultivars grown in Hawkes Bay and on East Coast.
- Tautahi Hetaraka. 1900. The Aotea Canoe. The Migration of Turi to Aotearoa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 9: 200-233
- Taylor R. M. S. 1934. Maori foods and methods of preparation. The New Zealand Dental Journal 30: 88-96
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- Te Hata Hoeta (Waitahanui). 1917. The Ngati Tuharetoa occupation of Taupo-nui-a-Tia. Journal of the Polynesian Society 26: 91-98
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- Te Whetu Karipa 1897. Kame-tara and his Ogre Wife. Journal of the Polynesian Society 6: 97-106
- Tetragonia spp. Kōkihi. New Zealand spinach.
- Thelymitra longifolia. Māikaika.
- Thelymitra pulchella. Māikaika.
- Thomson Andrew The Maori potato . Botany Division Newsletter: 11-12
- Thomson Arthur S. 1859. The story of New Zealand. 2 vols. London, John Murray.
- Trappe James M. 1988. Use of truffles and false-truffles around the world. Atti del II Congresso Internazionale sul Tartufo, Spoleto, 24-27 November 1988.
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- Triticum sp. Wheat.
- Tuber spp. Panako. Truffle.
- Tuhoto Ariki 1907. An Ancient Maori Poem. Journal of the Polynesian Society 16: 43-60
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- Tupeia antarctica. Tāpia. Kohuorangi. White mistletoe.
- Typha orientalis. Raupō. Bulrush.
- Ulva lactuca. Sea lettuce.
- Urtica australis. Ongaonga. Southern nettle.
- Urtica ferox. Ongaonga. Tree nettle.
- Urtica incisa. Ongaonga.
- Urtica spp. Pūngitangita. Nettles.
- Veronica salicifolia, Veronica stricta and similar spp. Koromiko. Kōkōmuka.
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27 August 2007
21 February 2011