Tautahi Hetaraka. 1900. The Aotea Canoe. The Migration of Turi to Aotearoa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 9: 200-233
Turi arrived in New Zealand between Kawhia and Aotea. Went south overland, giving names to several places on the coast. Stopped at Pātea, which he called Great-Pātea-of-Turi.
P.226 Planted the karaka seed brought with them, at a place called Pou-o-Turi.
Made his cultivation near Rangi-tawhi, named it Hekeheke-i-papa. When field planted with kūmara, there were 8 hillocks in each of which there was a seed kūmara. In autumn when the food was harvested there were 800 baskets of kūmara.
Bibliographic details
The Aotea Canoe. The Migration of Turi to Aotearoa.
12 June 2007
20 July 2020