Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
Sections on 1) plants cultivated for food - kūmara, taro, hue, tī, tī para, karaka, poroporo, and their harvesting, preparation, and storage. 2) textile plants - aute and flax. 3) wild food - aruhe, karaka, hīnau, pūhā, pohue, mamaku, tī, nīkau, raupō, tawa, para, karengo, fungi, rengarenga, ririwaka (Bolboschoenus sp.), perei, ferns, cress, dandelion, tutu, kiekie fruits, forest berries - their harvesting and preparation. 4) Appendices on kūmara, taro, fernroot varieties.
Bibliographic details
Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit
12 June 2007
22 June 2020