kūmara cultivars

Related resources
- Burtenshaw Mike, Tawhai Wiremu, Tawhai Teira, Tomlin Tony 2009. Storage practices and environmental conditions in a contemporary rua kumara at Omaio, Eastern Bay of Plenty. Archaeology in New Zealand 52(4): 230-239
- Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
- Gillard S. O. 1955. Commercial kumara cultivation. New Zealand Department of Agriculture Bulletin 294: 1-11
- Gudgeon W. E. 1893. Maori tradition as to the kumara (Convolvulus Batatus). Journal of the Polynesian Society 2: 99-102
- Hammond T. G. 1894. The kumara, perei and taewa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 3: 237-238
- Harvey C. F., Gill G. P., Crossman C., Fraser L. G. 1997. Assessing relationships of kūmara cultivars by RAPD analysis. New Zealand Journal of Botany 35: 479-485
- Ipomoea batatas. Kūmara.
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded by Berridge.
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded by Taylor
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded by White
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded from East Cape district by Williams.
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded from East Coast and Hawkes Bay by Colenso.
- Kūmara cultivar names recorded from Patea and West Coast of North Island by Hammond.
- Kūmara cultivar. Anurangi. Tokoke.
- Kūmara cultivar. Awangarua.
- Kūmara cultivar. Gisborne Red. Waina.
- Kūmara cultivar. Heringii. Waīna.
- Kūmara cultivar. Hītara.
- Kūmara cultivar. Houhere.
- Kūmara cultivar. Hutihuti. Information from Tapsell (2).
- Kūmara cultivar. Hutihuti. Utiuti. Konu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kaikākā. Kaihaka.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kanawa.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kāuto. Kaoto.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kautowhai.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kawakawa.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kengo.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kōreherehe.
- Kūmara cultivar. Kotepo. Kotipu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Makururangi.
- Kūmara cultivar. Maomao.
- Kūmara cultivar. Māpua.
- Kūmara cultivar. Maramawhiti.
- Kūmara cultivar. Matakauri.
- Kūmara cultivar. Mengerangi.
- Kūmara cultivar. Merikana
- Kūmara cultivar. Mōnenehu.
- Kūmara cultivar. New Zealand Pink. Waīna.
- Kūmara cultivar. Owairaka Pink. Waīna.
- Kūmara cultivar. Owairaka Red. Parakipere. Waīna.
- Kūmara cultivar. Panahi.
- Kūmara cultivar. Panataha.
- Kūmara cultivar. Pane.
- Kūmara cultivar. Parakaraka. Makutu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Pāuātaha.
- Kūmara cultivar. Paukena.
- Kūmara cultivar. Pehu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Pohutukawa.
- Kūmara cultivar. Pokerekāhu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Poranga.
- Kūmara cultivar. Purata.
- Kūmara cultivar. Rekamāroa. (1)
- Kūmara cultivar. Rekamāroa. Information from Tapsell (2).
- Kūmara cultivar. Taputini.
- Kūmara cultivar. Tauranga Red. Waina.
- Kūmara cultivar. Taurāpunga.
- Kūmara cultivar. Toikahikatea.
- Kūmara cultivar. Toitoi.
- Kūmara cultivar. Toroamahoe (1)
- Kūmara cultivar. Toroamahoe (2)
- Kūmara cultivar. Torowhenua.
- Kūmara cultivar. Waīna. Berridge. (2)
- Kūmara cultivar. Waīna. Yen. (1)
- Kūmara cultivar. Waniwani.
- Kūmara cultivar. Whakakumu.
- Kūmara cultivar. Whokoreke.
- Kūmara cultivars brought by Pourangahua (Urewera tradition).
- Kūmara cultivars. Ngāti Ira. Ngāti Porou.
- Lewthwaite S. L. 1991. Potential for introduced sweet potato cultivars in New Zealand. Proceedings of the Agronomy Society in New Zealand 21: 1-5.
- Lewthwaite S. L. 1998. Commercial sweet potato production in New Zealand: foundations for the future. In: LaBonte D. R., Yamashita M., Mochida H. ed. Proceedings of international workshop on sweet potato production system toward the 21st century.
- Makereti (Maggie Papakura), Penniman T. K. (ed.) 1938. The Old-time Maori. London, Gollancz.
- Painter Carol, Egan John (ed.) 1991. The kumara story. Wellington, IDEA/Maaramatanga. 24 p.
- Parsons Murray 1989, 20 February. Te hokinga mai o nga kūmara; the return of the kūmara. Botany Division Publication 124-8
- Roberts R. G. 1955. Coral Island cookery. Journal of the Polynesian Society 64(2)
- Tapsell E. 1947. Original kumara. Journal of the Polynesian Society 56: 325-332
- Taro cultivars grown in Hawkes Bay and on East Coast.
- Te Kahui Kararehe 1893. Te Kurahoupo Canoe. Journal of the Polynesian Society 2: 189-191
- Walsh Archdeacon 1902. The cultivation and treatment of the kumara by the primitive Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 35: 12-24
- Wedderspoon J. T. 1948. Scarce varieties of kumara. Journal of the Polynesian Society 57: 181 (Notes and Questions)
- Williams W. L. 1894. Names of kumara (Ipomoea batatas) cultivated in New Zealand before the arrival of Europeans. Journal of the Polynesian Society 3: 144
- Yen D. E. 1961. The adaptation of kumara by the New Zealand Maori. Journal of the Polynesian Society 70: 338-348
- Yen D. E. 1963. Sweet-potato variation and its relation to human migration in the Pacific. In: Barrau Jacques (ed). Plants and the migrations of Pacific peoples: 93-117. Bishop Museum Press.
- Yen D. E. 1974. The sweet potato and Oceania: An essay in ethnobotany. Hawaii Bulletin 236, Bishop Museum.
- Yen D., Head J. Kumara remains in Pit O at P5/228 1993. In: Sutton DG (ed) The archaeology of the peripheral Pa at Pouerua, Northland, New Zealand. Pp. 56-64.
27 August 2007
21 March 2011