Kūmara cultivar names recorded from East Cape district by Williams.
Māori names
anutipoki, huiupoko or waniwani, kawakawa, kerikaraka (Best 1925 lists kiri-karaka ), kōkōrangi, kōreherehe, mākakauere (also mākakauri, matakauri ), matawaiwai, moī, mōnehu, ngākau-kuri, Paea , pāpāhaoa, parakaraka or makutu, paretaua, pātea, pokerekāhu, puatahoe (said to produce flowers), punuiarata, tānehurangi, taratamata, taurāpunga, toroamahoe, waihā, wini.
Names obtained by Archdeacon W.L. Williams in East Cape district. "Most of them have been lost, owing to the introduction of the larger and more prolific kinds; but some few are still to be found in cultivation". Among the latter are Matakauri, Parakaraka, Pokerekāhu, and Toroamahoe.
Best 1925 says that Anutipoki is a synonym for Waniwani. Ngakau-kuri said to blossom at night.