
Related resources
- Ackama rosifolia. Makamaka.
- Agathis australis. Kauri.
- Andersen Johannes C. 1907. Māori life in Ao-tea. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited.
- Aristotelia serrata. Makomako. Wineberry.
- Astelia nervosa. Kakaha. Bush lily.
- Astelia trinervia. Kauri grass. Kōkaha.
- Aston B. C. 1918 (a). Indigenous tans and vegetable dyestuffs of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 15: 55-62, 117-128
- Aston B. C. 1918 (b). Indigenous tans and vegetable dyestuffs of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 16: 358-365
- Aston B. C. 1918. Preliminary note on the tinctorial properties of the genus Coprosma (Family Rubiaceae). New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 1: 3-4
- Aston B. C. 1918. The genus Coprosma as a source of dyes. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 1: 264/346
- Aston B. C. 1919. Indigenous tans and vegetable dyestuffs of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 17: 136-139
- Avicennia marina. Mangrove. Mānawa.
- Beattie H. 1920. Nature Lore of the Southern Maori. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 52: 53-77
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Bennett George 1860. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australia. London, Van Voorst.
- Best Elsdon 1898. The Art of the Whare Pora: Notes on the clothing of the ancient Maori, their knowledge of preparing, dyeing and weaving various fibres, together with some account of dress and ornaments, and the ancient ceremonies and superstitions of the Whare Pora. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 31: 625-658
- Best Elsdon 1904. Notes on the custom of rahui. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13: 83-88
- Best Elsdon 1904. The Uhi-Maori or native tattooing instruments. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13: 166-172
- Brett H. 1883. Brett's Colonists' Guide and Cyclopaedia of useful knowledge. Auckland, H. Brett Evening Star Office, Auckland.
- Briggs L. H., Dacre J. C. 1948. Chemistry of the Coprosma genus. Journal of the Chemical Society.
- Briggs L. H., Dacre J. C. 1952. Chemistry of the Coprosma genus. Journal of the Chemical Society.
- Briggs. L. H., Dacre J. C. 1949. Chemistry of the Coprosma genus. Journal of the Chemical Society
- Brown Catherine 1978. Kete making. Wellington, Department of Education.
- Buchanan J. 1868. Sketch of the botany of Otago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1: 22-53
- Christian F. W. 1897. Plant names in Polynesia. Journal of the Polynesian Society 6: 123-140
- Colenso William 1868. On the geographic and economic botany of the North Island of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-58
- Colenso William 1881. On the fine perception of colours possessed by the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 50-76
- Colenso William 1891. Vestiges: Reminiscences, memorabilia of works, deeds and sayings of the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 24: 445-467
- Coprosma acerosa. Tarakupenga. Sand coprosma.
- Coprosma areolata. Dye plant.
- Coprosma grandifolia. Manono. Kanono.
- Coprosma linariifolia. Karamū. Dye.
- Coprosma lucida. Karamū.
- Coprosma robusta. Karamū.
- Cordyceps robertsii. Āwhato. Vegetable caterpillar fungus.
- Coriaria arborea. C. sarmentosa. Tutu.
- Cowan J. 1905. The last of the Ngāti-Mamoe. Some incidents of Southern Māori history. Journal of the Polynesian Society 14: 193-199
- Craik J. L. 1830. The New Zealanders. London, Charles Knight. 424 p.
- Crowe Andrew 1981. A field guide to the native edible plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Collins. 194 p.
- Crowe Andrew 1990. Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Hodder and Stoughton. 200 p.
- Cunningham G. H. 1921. The genus Cordyceps in New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 53: 372-382
- Dacre J. C. 1945. Anthraquinone colouring matters from Coprosma australis and Coprosma areolata. Auckland University.
- Dacrycarpus dacrydioides. Kahikatea. White pine.
- Dacrydium cupressinum. Rimu.
- Discaria toumatou. Tūmatakuru. Matagouri.
- Dr Pereira 1846. On some vegetable and mineral productions of New Zealand. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions 5: 72-75
- Dryden Mary (translator) 1990, November. Murimotu Muriwhenua Kia Mataara. Te Karanga 6(3): 12-13
- Elaeocarpus dentatus. Hīnau.
- Elaeocarpus hookerianus. Pōkākā
- Entelea arborescens. Whau.
- Fuchsia excorticata. Kōtukutuku. Kōnini. Tree fuchsia.
- Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium. Hangehange.
- Gigartina spp. Rehia. Irish moss. Carrageen.
- Hamilton A. 1896. Notes from Murihiku: Discovery of a Māori kete at Upper Taeri. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 29: 174-178
- Hamilton A. 1901. Māori art. Wellington, New Zealand Institute. 438 pp.
- Hansard G. A. Journal of the voyage of the Acheron. Manuscript, Hocken Library, transcribed by Sheila Natusch.
- Hector James 1873. Eighth Annual Report on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory together with a list of donations and deposits during 1872-1873. Wellington, Government Printer.
- Hill H. 1901. The Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii) [sic]. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 34: 396-401
- Hughes H. G. 1870. On certain properties of the tutu plant. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 3: 237-243
- Hutchinson A. H. 1941. Plant dyeing. Daily Telegraph
- Ixerba brexioides. Tāwari. Whākou.
- Kākāriki
- Kerry-Nicholls J. H. 1886. The origin, physical characteristics and manners and customs of the Māori race, from data derived during a recent exploration of the King Country, New Zealand. . Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 15: 187-209
- Kirk T. 1868. On the Botany of Great Barrier Island. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1: 88-101
- Lichens (general).
- Lloyd Joyce 1971. Dyes from plants of Australia and New Zealand. Reed. 48 p.
- Mason Ruth 1950. Wild plants for food and medicine. Tararua 4: 45-50
- Matthews R. H. 1910. Reminiscences of Maori life fifty years ago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 43: 598-605
- McKenzie E. H. C. 1983. Mycological history and exploration in New Zealand. Archives of Natural History 11(2): 233-247
- McKessar Paul Long Life for Flax. Listener, 22 July 1989.
- Mead Hirini Moko 1968. Te whatu taaniko. Taaniko weaving. Reed Methuen.
- Mead S. M. 1969. Traditional Māori clothing - a study of technological and functional change. 238 p.
- Melicytus ramiflorus. Māhoe. Whitey wood.
- Metrosideros excelsa. Pōhutukawa.
- Monkhouse William Brougham. Appendix IV In: Beaglehole J. C. 1955. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery. The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768 - 1771. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- New Zealand Exhibition 1865. Official catalogue of the New Zealand Industrial Exhibition. Dunedin, Mills, Dick and Company. 156 + viii p.
- Nicholas J. L. 1817. Narrative of voyage to New Zealand. Auckland, James Black and Son, Covent Garden. Reprinted by Wilson and Horton.
- Nothofagus fusca. Tawairaunui. Hututawai. Red beech.
- Nothofagus menziesii. Tawhai. Silver beech.
- Nothofagus solandri var solandri. Tawhairauriki. Black beech.
- Nothofagus spp. Tawhai. Beech.
- O'Connor Deryn, Richards Ann 2002. The right mud: Studies in mud-tannic dyeing in West China and West Surrey. Dyes in History and Archaeology 18: 41-46
- Paru. Paruparu. Black mud.
- Phillipps W. J. 1966. Māori life and customs. Reed. 180 pp.
- Phormium tenax 'Ngaku'. Harakeke cultivar.
- Phormium tenax 'Rangiwaho'. Harakeke cultivar. Orchiston Collection.
- Phormium tenax 'Taeore'. Harakeke cultivar. Orchiston Collection.
- Phormium tenax 'Wharanui'. Harakeke cultivar.
- Phormium tenax. Harakeke.
- Phyllocladus alpinus. Mountain toatoa.
- Phyllocladus toatoa. Toatoa.
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides. Tānekaha. Celery pine.
- Pittosporum crassifolium. Karo.
- Prumnopitys ferruginea. Miro.
- Pseudopanax arboreus. Whaupaku. Whauwhaupaku. Five-finger.
- Pseudoparmelia pseudosorediosa. Lichen. Stone-crottle.
- Rahui to preserve particular sites for fernroot, ochre and harakeke.
- Ramalina spp. Lichens.
- Reed and Bretts Auckland Almanac 1874. Auckland almanac, provincial handbook and strangers' vade mecum. Auckland, Reed and Brett.
- Renata Aparata 1910, 24 August. Cordiceps Robertsii (sic) ("Vegetable Caterpillar"). Otago Witness
- Ripogonum scandens. Kareao. Supplejack.
- Roth Harry Ling 1901. Māori tatu and moko. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 33
- Schefflera digitata. Patē. Seven-finger.
- Servant Father C., Simmons D. R. (ed.) 1973. Customs and habits of the New Zealanders 1838-1842. Wellington, Reed.
- Smith J. A. 1878. On certain New Zealand and Australian barks useful for tanning purposes. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 570-571
- Solanum aviculare. Solanum laciniatum. Poroporo.
- Sophora spp. Kōwhai.
- Syzygium maire. Maire tawake. Black maire.
- Taylor Richard 1855. Te Ika a Maui. New Zealand and its inhabitants. London, Wertheim and MacIntosh.
- Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck) 1911. On the Maori art of weaving cloaks, capes and kilts. Dominion Museum Bulletin 3
- Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck) 1949. The coming of the Maori. Wellington, Whitcombe and Tombs. 543 p.
- Tetragonia spp. Kōkihi. New Zealand spinach.
- Thomson Arthur S. 1859. The story of New Zealand. 2 vols. London, John Murray.
- Thornton G. G. 1982. New Zealand's industrial heritage. Wellington, Reed.
- Tregear E. 1926. The Maori race. A. D. Willis Ltd. New Zealand.
- Twose Megan Frances 1988. Studies of Phormium tenax fibre prepared in the traditional Māori manner. Master of Home Science, University of Otago, Dunedin.
- Usnea spp. Lichens.
- Vitex lucens. Pūriri.
- Wade W. R. 1842. A Journey in the Northern Island of New Zealand. Capper Reprint. 206 p.
- Wall A., Cranwell L. M. 1943. The botany of Auckland. Auckland, Wilson and Horton. 48 p.
- Walsh Archdeacon 1903. On the Maori method of preparing and using kokowai. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 36: 4-10
- Weinmannia racemosa. Kāmahi.
- Weinmannia silvicola. Tōwai.
- Williams H. W. 1896. The Maori whare: notes on the construction of a Māori house. Journal of the Polynesian Society 5: 145-154
- Yate William 1835. An account of New Zealand. Wellington, Reed reprint.
27 August 2007
24 June 2019