flax (Phormium) industry

Related resources
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- Aitken P. W. 1927. The chemistry of Phormium tenax. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 9(4): 226-228
- Aitken P. W. 1928. The bleaching of Phormium tenax. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 10: 236-240
- Akers Molly J. 1978. From Fibre to Food: Opiki, The District and its Development. School Golden Jubilee publication, Palmerston North.
- Allan H. H. 1938. Report on Phormium investigations. DSIR file note (unpublished).
- Anon 1938, 1 November. Phormium investigations. Plant Research Bureau Circular 133
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- Aston B. C. 1913. New Zealand Flax (Phormium) refuse: its manurial value. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 6: 16
- Atkinson Esmond H. 1922. Phormium tenax. The New Zealand fibre industry. New Zealand Department of Agriculture Bulletin 95
- Ayson B. 1977. Miranui - the story of New Zealand's largest flax mill.
- Bell F. Dillon, Young Frederick Jnr. 1842. Reasons for promoting the cultivation of the New Zealand Flax. London, Smith, Elder and Co. 34 p.
- Black Thomas 1871, 10 June. Letter on best harakeke varieties for rope. (1)
- Black Thomas 1871, 25 August. Letter on harakeke varieties and rope-making (2)
- Boyce S. W. 1949. Report on collection, indexing and filing of Phormium research information.
- Boyce W. R. 1945, 20 April. Yellow leaf investigations. Report on examination of the collection of varieties on Nursery A, Paiaka, Moutoa, 20/4/45.
- Boyce W. R. 1950 ?. Methods of propagation. Phormium tenax. Unpublished.
- Brandt C. W. 1937. Chemistry of Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax) Part 1 : The leaf and fibre of "ngaro". New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 18(8): 613
- Buchanan J. 1868. Sketch of the botany of Otago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1: 22-53
- Canterbury Flax Association 1871. Information relative to the utilisation of the Phormium tenax and its adaptability for manufacturing and other purposes. Christchurch, Jones and Tombs. 76 p.
- Church A. H. 1871. Chemistry of Phormium tenax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4A: 12-17
- Church A. H. 1873. Further report on the chemistry of Phormium tenax. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 6: 260-271
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- Easterfield T. H., Rigg T., Bruce J. A. 1929. Pakahi lands of Nelson. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 11: 231-241
- Eggers H. W. T. 1958. Mechanization in Phormium production. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture (96): 43-44
- Ferris W. H. 1915. Phormium tenax. A native product of the Dominion. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 9: 482-484
- Flax Commissioners (Hector J. ) 1872. Further papers relative to the preparation of the Phormium fibre. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G -17: i-v, 1-23
- Flax Commissioners (Hector J., Haultain T. M., Kebbell J. ) 1871. Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the preparation of the Phormium fibre or New Zealand flax . Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4: iii - xx, 1-103
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- Flax Commissioners 1870. Report from the New Zealand Commissioners relative to the manufacture of New Zealand flax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives D - 14A: 1-2
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- Flax Commissioners 1871. Further papers relative to the preparation of the Phormium fibre or New Zealand flax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4A: 1-18
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27 August 2007
24 June 2019