flax (Phormium) weaving/plaiting

Related resources
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- Belts - Māori terms for
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- Brown Angela 1997, 19 November. Good things take time. Daily Telegraph: 13, 15
- Brown Catherine 1965. How to make a tipare or headband. Te Ao Hou 52
- Brown Catherine 1965. Māori flax sandals and how to make them. Te Ao Hou 50
- Brown Catherine 1967. How to make a rourou or food basket. Te Ao Hou 59
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- Phormium tenax 'Ngaku'. Harakeke cultivar.
- Phormium tenax 'Tua-ra-whītu'. Harakeke cultivar.
- Phormium tenax 'Turingawari'. Harakeke cultivar.
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27 August 2007
24 June 2019