scented plants

Related resources
- Aciphylla spp. Taramea. Papaī. Speargrass.
- Alseuosmia spp. Toropapa. Karapapa.
- Beaglehole J.C. (ed) 1963. The Endeavour journal of Joseph Banks: 1768-1771. Sydney, Angus and Robertson.
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Beilschmiedia tawa. Tawa.
- Best Elsdon 1908. Maori forest lore. Part II. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 41: 231-286
- Botrychium australe. Pātōtara. Parsley fern.
- Brachyglottis repanda. Rangiora.
- Brachyscome radicata. Roniu. Scented plant.
- Briggs L. H. 1947. A terpene-type essential oil from a fern Paesia scaberula. Nature 160: 333
- Buchanan J. 1868. Sketch of the botany of Otago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1: 22-53
- Cambie R. C. 1959. The constituents of Phebalium nudum Hook. 2. Alkaloids of the wood. New Zealand Journal of Science 2: 254-256
- Cambie R. C. 1967. Perfumes related to ambergris. Chemistry and Industry in New Zealand 3(10): 4-8
- Cambie R. C. 1986. Constituents of New Zealand plants. New Zealand Journal of Technology 2: 111-126
- Cambie R. C. 1987. Perfumes based on ambergris substitutes. Chemistry in New Zealand: 31-33
- Carter C. L., Heazlewood W. V. 1949. The essential oil of Pittosporum eugenioides. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 68: 34-36
- Celmisia prorepens.
- Celmisia spectabilis. Tikumu. Puakaito.
- Celmisia viscosa
- Chiloscyphus novae-zeelandiae. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
- Chiloscyphus pallidus. Piripiri. Scent.
- Chiloscyphus rupicola. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
- Chiloscyphus sp. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
- Colenso William 1868. On the geographic and economic botany of the North Island of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-58
- Colenso William 1868. On the Maori Races of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-76
- Colenso William 1891. Vestiges: Reminiscences, memorabilia of works, deeds and sayings of the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 24: 445-467
- Cooper R. C. 1956. Australian and New Zealand Pittosporum. Annals of the Missouri Botanic Gardens 43(2): 87-188
- Cyathodes juniperina. Mingimingi.
- Dodonaea viscosa. Akeake.
- Doodia australis. Pukupuku. Rasp fern. Fragrant fern.
- Doodia mollis. Mokimoki. Scented fern.
- Dysoxylum spectabile. Kohekohe.
- Fragrant mosses. Kōpuru. Scent.
- Garven Peter, Nepia Marty, Ashwell Harold 1997. Te Whakatau Kaupapa o Murihiku. Ngai Tahu resource management strategy for the Southland region. Aoraki Press.
- Geum urbanum. Kōpata.
- Hamilton A. 1896. Notes from Murihiku: Discovery of a Māori kete at Upper Taeri. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 29: 174-178
- Hedycarya arborea. Pigeonwood. Porokaiwhiri.
- Heteroscyphus allodontus. Piripiri. Scent.
- Hierochloe redolens. Kāretu. Scented grass.
- Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum. Piripiri. Scented fern.
- Hypolepis millefolium. Thousand-leaved fern.
- Kauere. Small scented plant.
- Kirk T. 1895. Notes on Dactylanthus taylori, Hook f. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 28: 493-497
- Kopura. Fragrant mosses and liverworts.
- Kunzea spp. Kānuka.
- Leionema nudum. Mairehau.
- Leptospermum scoparium. Mānuka. Kahikatoa.
- Leucopogon fraseri. Pātotara.
- mahimahi. "a shrub."
- Maiden J. H. 1892. Notes on the exudations yielded by some Australian species of Pittosporum. Report of the 4th Meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of Section B: 289-296.
- Makuruhau. Scented moss.
- Manehu. Scented plant.
- Manehurangi. Scented plant.
- Matthews R. H. 1910. Reminiscences of Maori life fifty years ago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 43: 598-605
- McEwen J. M. 1986. Rangitāne. A tribal history. Auckland, Reed Methuen.
- Melicope ternata. Whārangi.
- Melicytus micranthus. Manakura.
- Mentha cunninghamii. Hīoi. New Zealand mint.
- Microlaena stipoides. Meadow rice grass. Pātītī.
- Microsorum scandens. Mokimoki. Fragrant fern.
- Monkhouse William Brougham. Appendix IV In: Beaglehole J. C. 1955. The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery. The Voyage of the Endeavour 1768 - 1771. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Murray J., Stanley B. G. 1952. The essential oil of Nothopanax simplex. Journal of Applied Chemistry 2: 5-7
- Olearia albida. Tanguru. Tree daisy.
- Olearia furfuracea. Akepiro.
- Olearia ilicifolia. Hakeke. Kōtaratara. Mountain holly.
- Olearia macrodonta. Arorangi. Scented olearia.
- Olearia paniculata. Akiraho. Golden akeake.
- Olearia rani. Heketara. Scented tree daisy.
- Paesia scaberula. Mātātā. Scented fern. Ring fern.
- Parkinson S. 1773. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas in His Majesty's The Endeavour. London, Stanfield Parkinson.
- Passiflora tetrandra. Kōhia. New Zealand passionfruit.
- Peru. Scented plants. Proverb.
- Pirongia.
- Pittosporum eugenioides. Tarata. Lemonwood.
- Pittosporum tenuifolium. Kōhūhū.
- Prumnopitys ferruginea. Miro.
- Radcliffe C. B. 1930. The essential oil of Melicope ternata (wharangi). Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 60: 251
- Radcliffe C. B., Short W. F. 1928. The essential oil of Phebalium nudum. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 47: 324T
- Raukaua edgerleyi. Raukawa.
- Raukaua simplex. Haumangōroa.
- Shand Alexander 1911. The Moriori People of the Chatham Islands: their history and traditions. Memoirs of the Polynesian Society.
- Shortland Edward 1851. The southern districts of New Zealand with passing notices of the customs of the Aborigines. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans.
- Skinner H. D. 1912. Māori life on the Poutini Coast, together with some traditions of the natives. Journal of the Polynesian Society 21: 141-151
- Smith S. Percy 1896. The peopling of the north. Journal of the Polynesian Society 5: 1-22
- Smith S. Percy 1897. The peopling of the north. Journal of the Polynesian Society supplements 6(1): 23-46; 6(2): 47-70; 6(3): 71-108
- Te Hata Hoeta (Waitahanui) 1913. The Ngati Tuharetoa occupation of Taupo-nui-a-Tia. Journal of the Polynesian Society 22: 104-116
- Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck) 1949. The coming of the Maori. Wellington, Whitcombe and Tombs. 543 p.
- Trichomanes reniforme. Kopakopa. Kidney fern.
- Wilson J. G. 1939. The history of Hawke's Bay. A. H. & A. W. Reed.
27 August 2007
24 June 2019