Chiloscyphus rupicola. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
Scientific name
Chiloscyphus rupicola
Previous names
Chiloscyphus fissistipus, Lophocolea fissistipula, Chiloscyphus fissistipulus
Māori names
Moderately large species. Usually in forest, forming dark green mats on soil or rotting logs; sometimes straggly clumps among grasses on damp slops. ( Allison & Child 1975: 150)
Some of the very small Hepaticae (Lophocolea and Chiloscyphus species) used for perfume by the Māoris, who called them piripiri. "Their scent was pleasant, powerful, and lasting. Hooker, in describing those plants, has mentioned it from dried and old specimens. Of one species ... of another, Chiloscyphus fissistipus, 'a handsome strongly-scented species' "( Colenso 1891: 458).
28 May 2007
1 July 2020