flax (Phormium) references

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- Aitken P. W. 1927. The chemistry of Phormium tenax. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 9(4): 226-228
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- Ayson B. 1977. Miranui - the story of New Zealand's largest flax mill.
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- Barber P. 1984. Phormium tenax fibres: a preliminary report. Unpublished.
- Barber P. 1986. Some properties of Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax) prepared by traditional Māori techniques.
- Barber P. 1987. Summary of research on Phormium tenax fibres. Unpublished.
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- Best Elsdon 1898. The Art of the Whare Pora: Notes on the clothing of the ancient Maori, their knowledge of preparing, dyeing and weaving various fibres, together with some account of dress and ornaments, and the ancient ceremonies and superstitions of the Whare Pora. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 31: 625-658
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- Brandt C. W. 1937. Chemistry of Phormium tenax (New Zealand Flax) Part 1 : The leaf and fibre of "ngaro". New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 18(8): 613
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- Brown Catherine 1965. How to make a tipare or headband. Te Ao Hou 52
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- Fitzroy Robert 1839. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. London, Henry Colburn. 657 p.
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- Flax Commissioners (Hector J., Haultain T. M., Kebbell J. ) 1871. Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the preparation of the Phormium fibre or New Zealand flax . Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4: iii - xx, 1-103
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- Flax Commissioners 1870. Report from the New Zealand Commissioners relative to the manufacture of New Zealand flax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives D - 14A: 1-2
- Flax Commissioners 1871. Catalogue of the samples of fibres and manufactured articles prepared from the Phormium tenax, exhibited by the Flax Commissioners in the Colonial Museum, Wellington, August, 1871. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4 (Appendix VII) ( Appendix VII): 37-60
- Flax Commissioners 1871. Further papers relative to the preparation of the Phormium fibre or New Zealand flax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4A: 1-18
- Forster J. R., Forster G. 1776. Characteres Generum Plantarum.
- Goulding J. H. 1971. Phormium or New Zealand Flax. Auckland War Memorial Educational Leaflet 14.
- Green A.W. 1911, 15 July. New flax variety developed at Ruakura. Journal of the New Zealand Department of Agriculture: 60-61
- Hamilton A. 1892. Flax mats found in Otago. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 25: 486-488
- Harris Warwick, Woodcock-Sharp Mairehau Te Ua 2000. Extraction, content, strength, and extension of Phormium variety fibres prepared for traditional Māori weaving. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38(3): 469-487
- Harvey H. E., Waring J. M. 1987. Antifungal and other compounds isolated from the roots of New Zealand flax plants (the genus Phormium). Journal of Natural Products 50(4): 767-776
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- Heaphy Major 1869. On the New Zealand Flax. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 2: 116-117
- Hector Sir James (ed.) 1872. Phormium Tenax as a fibrous plant. Wellington, Colonial Museum and Survey Department.
- Heenan Peter 1991. Checklist of Phormium cultivars. Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture.
- Hibberd, James Shirley 1870. New and rare beautiful-leaved plants; containing illustrations and descriptions of the most ornamental-foliaged plants not hitherto noticed in any work on the subject. London, Bell and Daddy.
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- Lowe B. J., Carr D. J., McCallum R. E., Myers T., Ngarimu-Cameron R., Niven B. E. Understanding the variability of vegetable fibres: a case study of harakeke (Phormium tenax). Textile Research Journal 80: 2158-2166
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27 August 2007
24 June 2019