
Related resources
- Anon 1944. Agar-agar a sticky business. Korero. AEWS Background Bulletin 2(22): 9-11
- Aston B. C. 1916. Potash in agriculture. II. Some recent researches. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 13: 446-454
- Beattie H. 1920. Nature Lore of the Southern Maori. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 52: 53-77
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Best Elsdon 1917. The land of Tara and they who settled it. Journal of the Polynesian Society 26: 143-169
- Bollard E. G. et al 1969. A report on the need for research on seaweeds in New Zealand. Unpublished.
- Boltenia pachydermatina. Sea tulip. Kāeo.
- Brasch D. J., Chaw-teo Chuah, Melton L. D. 1984. The commercial agar from New Zealand Pterocladia species. Australian Journal of Chemistry 37: 183-190
- Briggs L. H. 1947. Plant products of New Zealand. Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. 80: 151-177.
- Cambie R. C., Ferguson L. R. 2003. Potential functional foods in the traditional Maori diet. Mutation Research 523-524: 109-117
- Caulerpa germinata. Seaweed. Grapelets. Rimurimu.
- Colenso William 1844. Journal of a Naturalist in some little known parts of New Zealand. The London Journal of Botany 3: 1-62
- Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
- Coriaria arborea. C. sarmentosa. Tutu.
- Cox Paul, Banack Sandra (ed.). Islands, plants and Polynesians. An introduction to Polynesian ethnobotany. Portland, Oregon, Dioscorides Press.
- Durvillaea antarctica. Rimurapa. Bull kelp.
- Ecklonia radiata. Kelp.
- Ferrier R. J. 1976. The sea as a source of fine chemicals. Chemistry in New Zealand 40(3): 106-109
- Francki R. I. B. 1960. Studies in manurial values of seaweeds. Effects of Pachymenia himantophora and Durvillea antarctica meals on plant growth. Plant and Soil 12: 297-310
- Francki R. I. B. 1960. Studies in manurial values of seaweeds. Effects of Pachymenia himantophora and Durvillea antarctica on the immobilisation of nitrogen in soil. Plant and Soil 12: 311-323
- Francki R. I. B. 1964. Studies in manurial values of seaweeds. Effect of Pachymenia himantophora on manganese release and physical properties of soils. Plant and Soil 20: 65-73
- Gigartina clavifera. Rehia. Irish moss. Red seaweed.
- Gigartina decipiens. Rehia. Irish moss.
- Gigartina spp. Rehia. Irish moss. Carrageen.
- Gracilaria spp. Red seaweed.
- Grimmett R. E. R., Elliott A. G. 1940. Possible replacement of imported potash from New Zealand sources. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 61: 167
- Hormosira banksii. Neptune's Necklace. Seaweed.
- Johnston H. W. 1966. The biological and economic importance of algae, Part 2. Tuatara 14(1): 30-63
- Johnston H. W. 1970. The biological and economic importance of algae, Part 3. Edible algae of fresh and brackish waters. Tuatara 18(1): 19-35
- Koiri. Edible seaweed.
- Laing Robert M. 1894. The algae of New Zealand; their characteristics and distribution. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 27: 298-318
- Little E. C. S. 1953. The decomposition rates and manurial value of some common brown seaweeds. Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Science Congress 5: 83-91.
- Luxton D. M., Courtney W. J. 1987. New developments in the seaweed industry of New Zealand. Hydrobiologia 151/152: 291-293
- Macrocystis pyrifera. Bladder kelp.
- Moore L. B. 1941. The economic importance of seaweeds. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 85
- Moore L. B. 1942. Note on alginic-acid products. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology B23: 170
- Moore L. B. 1944. New Zealand seaweed for agar manufacture. Botany Division Publication 9, Government Printer.
- Moore L. B. 1944. Seaweed in the kitchen. Bulletin of the New Zealand Women's Food Value League VII(3): 12
- Moore L. B. 1947. New Zealand seaweed for agar manufacture. Botany Division Publication 11, Government Printer.
- Moore L. B. 1951. Seaweed products in Britain in 1950. New Zealand Science Review 9: 180-184
- Moore L. B. 1964. Seaweeds. Their importance to fishermen. Commercial Fishing November 16: 19
- Moore L. B. 1964. Seaweeds. Their uses as food and in industry. Commercial Fishing December (26): 29-30
- Moore L. B. 1965. Seaweeds. Agar, its uses and potential in New Zealand. Commercial Fishing January: 23-25
- Moore L. B., Adams N. M. 1963. Plants of the New Zealand coast. Longman Paul Ltd.
- Moss Betty, Naylor Margaret 1953. The chemical composition of the two New Zealand species of Durvillea. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 81(4): 473-478
- Nelson W. A. 1984. Porphyra (Karengo). Biology, uses and harvesting. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Information Service Leaflet Fishdex 29
- New Zealand Dairy Exporter: 1948, 1 May. Opportunity to make good money from the sea. 18 + 25
- Parsons M. J. 1985. New Zealand seaweed flora and its relationships. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 9: 131-138
- Porphyra columbina. Karengo
- Proverb relating to seaweed.
- Pterocladia spp. Agar species.
- Rapson A. M., Moore L. B., Elliott I. L. 1942. Seaweed as a source of potash in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 23(5B): 149-170
- Rimiparo? Seaweed.
- Rose R. C. 1953. The requirements for a successful seaweed industry. Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Science Congress 5: 66-70.
- Schiel David R., Nelson Wendy A. 1990. The harvesting of macroalgae in New Zealand. Hydrobiologia 204/205: 25-33
- Schwarz E. F. 1953. The utilization of seaweed in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Science Congress. 5: 70-78.
- Shortland Edward 1851. The southern districts of New Zealand with passing notices of the customs of the Aborigines. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans.
- Stead Edgar. Codfish Island. Otago Witness, 12 January 1935.
- Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck) 1949. The coming of the Maori. Wellington, Whitcombe and Tombs. 543 p.
- Thomson Arthur S. 1859. The story of New Zealand. 2 vols. London, John Murray.
- Thomson G. M. 1918. Unutilized sources of wealth in the New Zealand seas. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 1: 135-139
- Tyrer T. G. 1941, 2 June. Seaweed hits the headlines. New Zealand Dairy Exporter: 33-36
- Ulva lactuca. Sea lettuce.
- Welch E. A., Davis Barnard 1870. An account of the Chatham Islands, their discovery, inhabitants, conquest by the Maories, and the fate of the Aborigines. Journal of the Anthropological Society: xcvii-cviii
- Whatahoro H. T. 1913. The lore of the whare wananga. Part II. Te Kauwae-Raro, or "Things Terrestrial". Chapter III. The discovery of New Zealand by Kupe as related by Te Matorohanga. Journal of the Polynesian Society 22 (87): 107-133
27 August 2007
24 June 2019