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- "M" (J. I. Montefiore) 1837, 6 July. Sketches of New Zealand. By the Wairere track from Tauranga to Matamata Pa. The Sydney Herald : 2
- Beaglehole J. C. (ed.) 1955-1974. The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Vol III: The voyage of the Resolution and the Discovery 1776-1780. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Beaglehole J. C. 1939. The discovery of New Zealand. Wellington, Department of Internal Affairs.
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Best Elsdon 1902. Food products of Tuhoeland: being notes on the food-supplies of a non-agricultural tribe of the natives of New Zealand: together with some account of various customs, superstitions etc. pertaining to foods. . Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (35): 45-111
- Best Elsdon 1916. Maori storehouses and kindred structures. Dominion Museum Bulletin 5
- Best Elsdon 1925. Maori Agriculture. Dominion Museum Bulletin 9
- Cameron R. J. 1964. Destruction of the indigenous forests for Maori agriculture during the nineteenth century. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 9: 87-114
- Colenso William 1884. In Memoriam. An account of visits to, and crossings over, the Ruahine Mountain Range, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; and of the natural history of that region; performed in 1845-1847; cum multis aliis. Daily Telegraph
- Elders of Waitaha (with Barry Brailsford and Derek Mitchell) 1994. Song of Waitaha. The histories of a nation. Christchurch, Ngatapuwae Trust.
- Elsdon Best letters to Beattie between 1917-1919. Notes on food, NZ flax. Unpublished ms, Hocken Library.
- Falloon R.E., Lister R.A., Butler R.C. 2007. Susceptibility of four relict (Maori) potato varieties to spongospora subterranea. Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference. Back to Basics: Managing Plant Disease.
- Fitzroy Robert 1839. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. London, Henry Colburn. 657 p.
- Genet Russell. May 1996. The potato factory - a taste for all seasons.
- Gudgeon W. E. 1903. The whence of the Maori. Journal of the Polynesian Society 12(1): 51-61
- Hargreaves R. P. 1963. Changing Māori agriculture in pre-Waitangi New Zealand. Journal of the Polynesian Society 72: 101-117
- Harris G. 2002. Nga riwai Maori; the perpetuation of relict potato cultivars within Maori communities in New Zealand. In: Yoshiam S., Matthews P. J. (ed.) Vegeculture in Eastern Asia and Oceania. JCAS Symposium Series 16: 303-317.
- Harris G. 2006, August. Te Paraiti: The 1905-1906 potato blight epidemic in New Zealand and its effects on Maori communities. Working paper. The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
- Harris G. F., Niha P. 1999, August. Ngā Riwai Māori - Māori Potatoes. Working paper, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand.
- Harris Graham 1997, August. Rīwai - the Māori potatoes. New Zealand Gardener: 54-55
- Harris Graham 1997, Summer. Mahetau. The introduction of potatoes to Te Waipounamu and their adoption by Māori. Te Karaka: 36-38
- Harris Graham 1998, 3 July. Digging the real dirt on potatoes. The Dominion
- Journal of the Polynesian Society 1912 (21): 185 (Note 239). Potatoes.
- Madgwick Paul 1992. Aotea. A history of the South Westland Māori. Greymouth Evening Star
- Makereti (Maggie Papakura), Penniman T. K. (ed.) 1938. The Old-time Maori. London, Gollancz.
- McGeorge Pamela 1997. Potatoes - staple through the ages and gourmets' delight. New Zealand Gardener August 1997: 48-52
- McNab Robert 1913. The Old Whaling Days. A History of Southern New Zealand from 1830 to 1840. Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd.
- O'Donnell E. 1929. Te Hekenga. Early days in Horowhenua. Being the reminiscences of Mr Rod McDonald. Palmerston North, New Zealand, G. H. Bennett.
- Potato cultivar names recorded by Hammond.
- Potato cultivar. Aka raupō.
- Potato cultivar. Hope taone. Hobart Town.
- Potato cultivar. Huakaroro.
- Potato cultivar. Kapa. Parihi.
- Potato cultivar. Kara kaone.
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- Potato cultivar. Kōwiniwini.
- Potato cultivar. Maitaha. Rokeroke.
- Potato cultivar. Manerau.
- Potato cultivar. Maori Chief.
- Potato cultivar. Māori.
- Potato cultivar. Marikena.
- Potato cultivar. Moemoe.
- Potato cultivar. Old Red.
- Potato cultivar. Para-kōkako.
- Potato cultivar. Para-kōtukutuku.
- Potato cultivar. Parakaraka
- Potato cultivar. Parareka.
- Potato cultivar. Piakaroa.
- Potato cultivar. Poiwa.
- Potato cultivar. Pokerekāhu.
- Potato cultivar. Pounamu.
- Potato cultivar. Pungapunga.
- Potato cultivar. Raparuru. Wairuru.
- Potato cultivar. Raramu.
- Potato cultivar. Raupi.
- Potato cultivar. Rokoroko. Araro.
- Potato cultivar. Taewa.
- Potato cultivar. Tapapa. Karu-pārera.
- Potato cultivar. Taramu.
- Potato cultivar. Tātairongo.
- Potato cultivar. Tekepo.
- Potato cultivar. Urenika.
- Potato cultivar. Uwhi. Uwi. Uhi.
- Potato cultivar. Waiararo.
- Potato cultivar. Wini-harete.
- Potato cultivars recognized by Tūhoe.
- Potato cultivars. "Pre-European" names recorded in Journal of Polynesian Society.
- Potato cultivars. Names recorded by Andersen.
- Potato cultivars. Names recorded by Taylor.
- Potato cultivars. Other common varieties (Harris).
- Potato cultivars. Southern names from Beattie.
- Potatoes. Terms for growth stages (Best).
- Potatoes. Terms used to describe soaking/fermenting.
- Richards Rhys 1993. Rongotute, Stivers and "other visitors" to New Zealand "before Captain Cook". Journal of the Polynesian Society 102(1): 7-38
- Roberts W. H. S. 1890. Southland Reminiscences. Otago Witness
- Roberts W. H. S. 1913. Notes and queries [250]. The Maori potato. Journal of the Polynesian Society 22(88): 231
- Roskruge Nick 1999. Taewa Maori. Their management, social importance and commercial viability. Research report, Massey University,.
- Shand Alexander 1893. The Occupation of the Chatham Islands by the Māoris in 1835. Part V: The Residence at the Auckland Islands in 1843. Journal of the Polynesian Society 2: 79-86
- Shand Alexander 1911. The Moriori People of the Chatham Islands: their history and traditions. Memoirs of the Polynesian Society.
- Smith S. Percy 1896. The peopling of the north. Journal of the Polynesian Society 5: 1-22
- Smith S. Percy 1904. Wars of Northern Maori against Southern New Zealand Tribes. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13: 20-72
- Smith S. Percy 1912. Notes and queries [239]. Early mention of potatoes. Journal of the Polynesian Society 21(4): 185
- Solanum tuberosum. Potato.
- Taylor R. M. S. 1934. Maori foods and methods of preparation. The New Zealand Dental Journal 30: 88-96
- The Evening Post. 1997, 29 May. Investigating the potato's roots.
- Thomson Andrew The Maori potato . Botany Division Newsletter: 11-12
- Thomson Arthur S. 1859. The story of New Zealand. 2 vols. London, John Murray.
- Vietmeyer Noel 1991. Lost crops of the Incas. New Zealand Geographic 10: 49-67
- Watkins Reverend James 1840-1844. Journal. Facsimile, Hocken Library, Dunedin. 90 pp.
- White, Taylor 1913. Notes and queries [246]. The Maori Potato. Journal of the Polynesian Society 22(86): 105
- Wilkes C. 1845. Narrative of the United States exploring expedition during the years 1838-1842. Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard.
- Yen D. E. 1959. The use of maize by the New Zealand Maoris. Economic Botany 13: 319-327
- Yen D. E. 1961. The potato of early New Zealand. The Potato Journal: 2-5
27 August 2007
24 June 2019