medicinal plants

Related resources
- Acaena anserinifolia. Piripiri. Hutiwai. Bidibid.
- Aciphylla spp. Taramea. Papaī. Speargrass.
- Adiantum cunninghamii. Common maidenhair. Puhinui
- Agathis australis. Kauri.
- Alectryon excelsus. Tītoki.
- Anaphalioides trinervis. Cudweed. Puatea.
- Apium prostratum. Shore celery. Tūtae kōau
- Aristotelia serrata. Makomako. Wineberry.
- Arthropodium cirratum. Rengarenga. Renga lily.
- Asplenium bulbiferum. Mouku. Hen and chicken fern.
- Asplenium flabellifolium. Butterfly fern.
- Asplenium obtusatum. Paranako. Shore spleenwort.
- Atriplex patula. Orache.
- Austroderia spp. Toetoe.
- Azolla spp. Azolla rubra. Azolla filiculoides. Kārerarera. Retoreto. Water fern.
- Beaglehole J. C. (ed.) 1955-1974. The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Vol III: The voyage of the Resolution and the Discovery 1776-1780. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Beaglehole J.C. (ed) 1963. The Endeavour journal of Joseph Banks: 1768-1771. Sydney, Angus and Robertson.
- Beatson R. A., Rohrbach J. F. 1985. Genotype-environment interaction in poroporo (Solanum aviculare). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 28(1): 125-128
- Beattie H. 1920. Nature Lore of the Southern Maori. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 52: 53-77
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Beilschmiedia tawa. Tawa.
- Best Elsdon 1905. The lore of the Whare-Kohanga. Notes on procreation among the Maori people of New Zealand. With some account of the various customs, rites, and superstitions pertaining to menstruation, pregnancy, labour, etc. Journal of the Polynesian Society 14(1): 205-215
- Blechnum blechnoides. Coastal hard fern.
- Blechnum fluviatile. Kiwikiwi.
- Blechnum penna-marina. Little hard fern.
- Brachyglottis lagopus.
- Brachyglottis repanda. Rangiora.
- Brassica oleracea. Wild cabbage. Nanī.
- Brassica rapa subsp. sylvestris. Pōhata. Wild turnip.
- Broussonetia papyrifera. Aute. Paper mulberry.
- Calvatia caelata. Pukurau. Puffball.
- Calystegia sepium. Pōhue. New Zealand bindweed.
- Cambie R. C., Ferguson L. R. 2003. Potential functional foods in the traditional Maori diet. Mutation Research 523-524: 109-117
- Caulerpa germinata. Seaweed. Grapelets. Rimurimu.
- Celmisia semicordata. Celmisia coriacea. Tikumu. Large mountain daisy.
- Celmisia spectabilis. Tikumu. Puakaito.
- Centella uniflora.
- Centipeda minima. Centipeda cunninghamii..
- Cheilanthes distans. Woolly rock fern.
- Chenopodium album. Huainanga. Fat-hen.
- Cirsium vulgare. Scotch thistle. Kōtimana. Pūngitangita
- Clematis forsteri. Pōānanga. Pikiarero.
- Clematis paniculata. Puawānanga.
- Collier N. 1959. Comments upon some forms of medical treatment prescribed by the Māori. Historical Review 7: 79-80
- Collier, Sam (Ngāti Porou, Ruatoria). 1941. Informant on medicinal use of plants.
- Cooper R. C. 1956. Australian and New Zealand Pittosporum. Annals of the Missouri Botanic Gardens 43(2): 87-188
- Coprosma acerosa. Tarakupenga. Sand coprosma.
- Coprosma grandifolia. Manono. Kanono.
- Coprosma lucida. Karamū.
- Coprosma robusta. Karamū.
- Cordyline australis. Tī kōuka. Cabbage tree.
- Coriaria arborea. C. sarmentosa. Tutu.
- Corokia spp. Korokio.
- Corynocarpus laevigatus. Karaka.
- Cyathea dealbata. Ponga. Silver fern.
- Cyathea medullaris. Mamaku.
- Cyathodes juniperina. Mingimingi.
- Cyperus ustulatus. Toetoe upokotangata. Giant umbrella sedge.
- Dacrycarpus dacrydioides. Kahikatea. White pine.
- Dacrydium cupressinum. Rimu.
- De Lange P. J., Norton D. A. 1996. To what New Zealand plant does the vernacular "scurvy grass" refer? New Zealand Journal of Botany 34: 417-420
- Dieffenbach Dr. E. 7 October 1843. Letter on "Medicinal qualities of Phormium Tenax". Southern Cross: 4
- Disphyma australe. Horokaha. New Zealand ice plant.
- Dodonaea viscosa. Akeake.
- Dr Pereira 1846. On some vegetable and mineral productions of New Zealand. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions 5: 72-75
- Dysoxylum spectabile. Kohekohe.
- Elaeocarpus dentatus. Hīnau.
- Eucalyptus globulus. Blue gum.
- Eucalyptus obliqua. Stringy bark.
- Euphorbia glauca. Milkweed. Waiūatua.
- Euphorbia peplus. Kaikaiatua. Milkweed.
- Euphrasia cuneata. Tutumako. Eyebright.
- Ficinia spiralis. Pīngao.
- Fuchsia excorticata. Kōtukutuku. Kōnini. Tree fuchsia.
- Galium propinquum. Māwe.
- Garven Peter, Nepia Marty, Ashwell Harold 1997. Te Whakatau Kaupapa o Murihiku. Ngai Tahu resource management strategy for the Southland region. Aoraki Press.
- Gaultheria antipoda. Tāwiniwini. Snowberry.
- Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium. Hangehange.
- Gentiana spp. Gentians.
- Geranium homeanum. Pinakitere. Cut-leaved cranesbill.
- Geranium potentilloides. Cranesbill.
- Geum urbanum. Kōpata.
- Gigartina spp. Rehia. Irish moss. Carrageen.
- Gould K. S., Thodey K., Philpott M., Ferguson L. R. 2006. Antioxidant activities of extracts from traditional Maori food plants. New Zealand Journal of Botany 44: 1-4
- Grady J., Lewis J. J., Martin-Smith M., Muir T. C., Subramanian G. 1967. Chemical and pharmacological observations on some Hebe species. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 19: 87-94
- Griselinia littoralis. Pāpāuma. Kāpuka. Broadleaf.
- Haloragis erecta. Toatoa.
- Harris Graham 1997, 18 September. Rengarenga - a striking little lily. Evening Post
- Harris Graham 1998, 6 November. Puha on Pliny's menu. The Dominion
- Healthy Options. August/September 1990: 37-39. A herbal first for New Zealand.
- Healthy Options. February/March 1993: 20-21. New Zealand Native Remedy.
- Hibiscus trionum. Puarangi.
- Histiopteris incisa. Mātātā. Water fern.
- Hoheria populnea. H. sextylosa. Houhere. Lacebark.
- Holdom Karen 1998, April 5. Humble honey may be a new weapon in the war against super bugs. Sunday Star-Times
- Hormosira banksii. Neptune's Necklace. Seaweed.
- Hymenophyllum demissum. Irirangi. Drooping filmy fern.
- Hymenophyllum frankliniae. Filmy fern.
- Hypolepis millefolium. Thousand-leaved fern.
- Ipomoea batatas. Kūmara.
- Kellam S. J., Tisch M. H., Walker J. R. L. 1992. Screening of New Zealand native plants for enzyme inhibitory activities. New Zealand Journal of Botany 30: 199-203
- Knightia excelsa. Rewarewa.
- Kubo I., Tangiguchi M. 1988. Polygodial, an antifungal potentiator. Journal of Natural Products 51(1): 22-29
- Kunzea spp. Kānuka.
- Lagenifera petiolata. Parani.
- Lastreopsis glabella. Smooth shield fern.
- Laurelia novae-zelandiae. Pukatea.
- Lembophyllum divulsum. Swamp moss.
- Lepidium oleraceum. Nau. Cook's scurvy grass.
- Leptopteris superba. Heruheru. Prince of Wales feathers.
- Leptospermum scoparium. Mānuka. Kahikatoa.
- Leucopogon fasciculatus. Mingimingi.
- Litsea calicaris. Mangeao. Tangeao.
- Lophomyrtus bullata. Ramarama.
- Lophomyrtus obcordata. Rōhutu.
- Lowry J. B. 1968. The distribution and potential taxonomic value of alkylated ellagic acids. Phytochemistry 7: 1803-1813
- Loxogramme dictyopteris. Lance fern.
- Loxsoma cunninghamii. Fern.
- Luzuriaga parviflora. Lantern berry. Pūwatawata.
- Lygodium articulatum. Mangemange.
- Macropiper excelsum. Kawakawa.
- Marattia salicina. Para. King fern.
- Matoutou. Fuchsia?
- Melicope ternata. Whārangi.
- Melicytus micranthus. Manakura.
- Melicytus ramiflorus. Māhoe. Whitey wood.
- Mentha cunninghamii. Hīoi. New Zealand mint.
- Meryta sinclairii. Puka.
- Metrosideros albiflora. Aka. Akatea. White-flowered rātā.
- Metrosideros excelsa. Pōhutukawa.
- Metrosideros fulgens. Akakura. Rātā vine.
- Metrosideros robusta. Northern rātā.
- Metrosideros umbellata. Southern rātā.
- Mistletoe species.
- Monckton F. A. 1885. Phormium tenax and its therapeutic value. Australian Medical Gazette IV(85)
- Myoporum laetum. Ngaio.
- Myrsine australis. Māpou.
- Nasturtium officinale. Kōwhitiwhiti. Watercress.
- Neomyrtus pedunculata. Rōhutu.
- New Zealand Cookery Calendar. 1930s. Poverty Bay Federation of Women's Institutes. (Includes Māori section).
- Olearia macrodonta. Arorangi. Scented olearia.
- Palmer John 1990. New Zealand adventive plants as medicinal herbs. In: Harris W, Kapoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand 22-26 February 1988: 89-95.
- Panara.
- Parham Helena B.R., Andersen Johannes C. (ed). 1943. Fiji native plants with their medicinal and other uses. Polynesian Society Memoir.
- Parsonsia capsularis. Kaiwhiria. New Zealand jasmine.
- Passiflora tetrandra. Kōhia. New Zealand passionfruit.
- Pelargonium inodorum. Kōpata.
- Phormium tenax 'Matawai Taniwha'. Harakeke cultivar. Orchiston Collection.
- Phormium tenax 'Tamure'. Harakeke cultivar.
- Phormium tenax 'Tukura'. Harakeke cultivar. Orchiston Collection.
- Phormium tenax. Harakeke.
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides. Tānekaha. Celery pine.
- Pimelea prostrata. Pinātoro. Strathmore weed.
- Pittosporum eugenioides. Tarata. Lemonwood.
- Pittosporum obcordatum. Kohukohu.
- Pittosporum tenuifolium. Kōhūhū.
- Plantago spp. Plantain.
- Pneumatopteris pennigera. Pākau. Piupiu. Gully fern.
- Poa billardierei. Sand tussock. Pouaka
- Poa cita. Wī. Silver tussock.
- Podocarpus laetus. Tōtara kōtukutuku. Hall's totara.
- Podocarpus totara. Tōtara.
- Polygonum aviculare. Mākākaka. Wireweed.
- Pomaderris kumeraho. Kūmarahou.
- Porphyra columbina. Karengo
- Pouteria costata. Tawāpou.
- Prendergast Hew D.V., Pearman Georgina 2001. Comparing uses and collections - the example of Dodonea viscosa Jacq. [Sapindaceae]. Economic Botany 55(2): 184-186
- Pringle Colleen 1989. Koromiko - native wonder herb. Dittany 10: 62-63
- Prumnopitys ferruginea. Miro.
- Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum. Cudweed. Pukatea.
- Pseudowintera axillaris. Horopito. Lowland pepper tree.
- Pseudowintera colorata. Horopito. Pepper tree.
- Pteridium esculentum. Rārahu. Aruhe. Fernroot. Bracken.
- Pūreke.
- Quin, Diane Summer 1987. Maori Medicine. Soil and Health: 15-19
- Ranunculus amphitrichus. Raoriki. Water buttercup.
- Ranunculus reflexus. Mārūrū. Hairy buttercup.
- Renata Aparata 1892 Native trees, shrubs and plants under cultivation. Series of articles in Otago Witness.
- Rhabdothamnus solandri. Taurepo.
- Rhopalostylis sapida. Nīkau.
- Riley Murdoch 1994. Māori healing and herbal. New Zealand ethnobotanical sourcebook. Paraparaumu, New Zealand, Viking Sevenseas.
- Ripogonum scandens. Kareao. Supplejack.
- Rorippa palustris. Marsh yellow cress.
- Rubus spp. Tātarāmoa. Bush lawyer.
- Rumex flexuosus. Runa. NZ dock.
- Rumex obtusifolius. Paewhenua. Common dock (introduced).
- Scandia rosifolia. Kohepiro. Rose-leaved anise.
- Schefflera digitata. Patē. Seven-finger.
- Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani. Kāpūngāwhā. Wāwā.
- Solanum aviculare. Solanum laciniatum. Poroporo.
- Solanum tuberosum. Potato.
- Sonchus oleraceus. Rauriki. Pūhā. Sow thistle.
- Sophora spp. Kōwhai.
- Spence Marianne. Ngati Porou angered by opposition to manuka use. Gisborne Herald, 1994, 28 April.
- Sphagnum spp. Mārū. Kohukohu.
- Stark Raymond Dr. 1979. Māori herbal remedies - described, identified, illustrated. Viking Sevenseas. 116 p.
- Sticherus cunninghamii. Waekura. Umbrella fern.
- Syzygium maire. Maire tawake. Black maire.
- Taraxacum magellanicum. Tohetaka. Native dandelion.
- Taylor Richard 1855. Te Ika a Maui. New Zealand and its inhabitants. London, Wertheim and MacIntosh.
- Tetragonia spp. Kōkihi. New Zealand spinach.
- Trichomanes elongatum. Bristle fern.
- Trichomanes reniforme. Kopakopa. Kidney fern.
- Typha orientalis. Raupō. Bulrush.
- Urtica ferox. Ongaonga. Tree nettle.
- Veronica salicifolia, Veronica stricta and similar spp. Koromiko. Kōkōmuka.
- Wairuna. Runa. Water plant. [Potamogeton sp.?]
- Walker John, Cole Anthony 1990. Antibiotics from New Zealand native plants - a new look at Maori medicine. In: Harris W, Kapoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand 22-26 February 1988: 146-151.
- Weavers Graeme 2010. Ecological, genetic and cultural status of Solanum aviculare, poroporo (Solanaceae) . MSc thesis, University of Waikato.
- Wehi Priscilla, Wehi William 2010. Traditional plant harvesting in contemporary fragmented and urban landscapes. Conservation Biology 24(2): 594-604
- Weinmannia racemosa. Kāmahi.
- Weinmannia silvicola. Tōwai.
- Weymouthia mollis. Angiangi.
- Zantedeschia aethiopica. Arum lily.
27 August 2007
24 June 2019