mosses, liverworts, lichen

Related resources
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Beever Jessica, Allison K. W., Child John 1992. The mosses of New Zealand. 2nd edition. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press.
- Burton J. F., Cain B. F. 1959. Anti-leukaemic activity of polyporic acid. Nature 184: 1326
- Calder V. L , Cole A. J. L. , Walker J. R. L. 1986. Antibiotic compounds from New Zealand plants III : a survey of some New Zealand plants for antibiotic substances. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 16(2): 169-181
- Cambie R. C., Cain B. F., La Roche S. 1961. A New Zealand phytochemical survey. Part 4. The Mosses. New Zealand Journal of Science 4: 731-739
- Chiloscyphus novae-zeelandiae. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
- Chiloscyphus pallidus. Piripiri. Scent.
- Chiloscyphus rupicola. Liverwort. Piripiri. Scent.
- Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
- Colenso William 1891. Plain and practical thoughts and notes on New Zealand botany. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 24: 400-409
- Dawsonia superba. Moss. Pāhau-kākāpō
- Entoloma hochstetteri . Werewere-kōkako. Fungus.
- Fragrant mosses. Kōpuru. Scent.
- Funaria hygrometrica. Moss. Wairua.
- Hutchinson A. H. 1941. Plant dyeing. Daily Telegraph
- Kopura. Fragrant mosses and liverworts.
- Lembophyllum divulsum. Swamp moss.
- Lichen. Hawa.
- Lichen. Mūna
- Lichens (general).
- Lorimer S. D., Barns G., Evans A. C., Foster L. M. et al. 1996. Cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of plants from New Zealand's subantarctic islands. Phytomedicine 2(4): 327-333
- Lorimer S. D., Burgess E. J., Perry N. B. 1997. Diplophyllolide - a cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactone from the liverworts Clasmatocolea vermicularis and Chiloscyphus subporosa. Phytomedicine 4(3): 261-263
- Lorimer S. D., Perry N. B. 1993. An antifungal bibenzyl from the New Zealand liverwort, Plagiochila stephensoniana. Bioactivity-directed isolation, synthesis, and analysis. Journal of Natural Products 56(9): 1444-1450
- Lorimer S. D., Perry N. B. 1994. Antifungal hydroxyacetophenones from the New Zealand liverwort, Plagiochila fasciculata. Planta Medica 60: 386-387
- Lorimer S. D., Perry N. B., Tangney R. S. 1993. An antifungal Bibenzyl from the New Zealand liverwort, Plagiochila stephensoniana. Bioactivity-directed isolation, synthesis and analysis. Journal of Natural Products 56: 1444-1450
- Makuruhau. Scented moss.
- Marchantia sp. Liverwort. Papahueke.
- McKenzie E. H. C., Galloway D. J. Fungi and lichen. In: Brownsey P. 1983. The New Zealand Biota - What do we know after 200 years. In: National Museum, Miscellaneous Series.
- Moss. Rimurimu.
- Moss. Toropapa-pūkahu.
- Parmelia saxatilis. Lichen. Black crottle.
- Perry N. B., Benn M. H. et al 1999. Antimicrobial, antiviral and cytotoxic activity of New Zealand lichens. Lichenologist 31(6): 627-636
- Perry N. B., Burgess E. J., et al 1999. 11-oxygenated cytotoxic 8,9-secokauranes from a New Zealand liverwort, Lepidolaena taylorii. Phytochemistry 50(3): 423-433
- Perry N. B., Burgess E. J., Tangney R. S. 1996. Cytotoxic 8,9-secokaurane diterpenes from a New Zealand liverwort, Lepidolaena taylorii. Tetrahedron Letters 37(52): 9387-9390
- Perry N. B., Foster L. M. 1995. Sesquiterpene/quinol from a New Zealand liverwort, Riccardia crassa. Journal of Natural Products 58(7): 1131-1135
- Perry N. B., Foster L. M. et al 1996. Isoprenyl phenyl ethers from liverworts of the genus Trichocolea - cytotoxic activity, structural corrections, and synthesis. Journal of Natural Products 59(8): 729-733
- Polytrichum sp. Tetere-whete. Moss.
- Pseudoparmelia pseudosorediosa. Lichen. Stone-crottle.
- Ramalina spp. Lichens.
- Sphagnum spp. Mārū. Kohukohu.
- Usnea sp. Lichen. Angiangi.
- Usnea spp. Lichens.
- Walker John, Cole Anthony 1990. Antibiotics from New Zealand native plants - a new look at Maori medicine. In: Harris W, Kapoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand 22-26 February 1988: 146-151.
- Weymouthia mollis. Angiangi.
20 November 2009
24 June 2019