weaving/fibre plants - other than flax

Related resources
- Aka. Vines.
- Andersen Johannes C. 1907. Māori life in Ao-tea. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited.
- Anderson A. W. 1954. The Māori as plant hunter. The Gardener's Chronicle 19 June (135): 232, 3 July (136): 4
- Anon 1906. Guide to the collections in the Canterbury Museum. 3rd edition. Armagh St, Christchurch, T. Fraser.
- Asplenium bulbiferum. Mouku. Hen and chicken fern.
- Astelia banksii. Wharawhara. Coastal astelia.
- Astelia fragrans. Kakaha. Bush flax
- Astelia nervosa. Kakaha. Bush lily.
- Astelia solandri. Kōwharawhara. Kahakaha. Perching astelia.
- Astelia trinervia. Kauri grass. Kōkaha.
- Austroderia spp. Toetoe.
- Beaglehole J. C. (ed.) 1955-1974. The journals of Captain James Cook on his voyages of discovery. Vol II: The voyage of the Resolution and the Adventure 1772-1775. Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society.
- Beaglehole J.C. (ed) 1963. The Endeavour journal of Joseph Banks: 1768-1771. Sydney, Angus and Robertson.
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Beever R.E., Houliston G J., Armstrong T.T.J. 2013. Geographic patterns of genetic variation in Cordyline australis; does fingerprinting recover phenotypic and phenological patterns? New Zealand Journal of Botany 51(1): 3-12
- Belts - Māori terms for
- Bergin D. O., Herbert J. W. 1998. Pingao on coastal sand dunes. Guidelines for seed collection, propagation and establishment. New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd CDVN Technical Bulletin 1
- Best Elsdon 1898. The Art of the Whare Pora: Notes on the clothing of the ancient Maori, their knowledge of preparing, dyeing and weaving various fibres, together with some account of dress and ornaments, and the ancient ceremonies and superstitions of the Whare Pora. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 31: 625-658
- Bicknell Ross, Butcher Steve 1986. How to propagate the NZ coastal native: pingao. Commercial Horticulture: 25
- Bird, Goldsberry 1982. The craft of Hawaiian Lauhala Weaving. University of Hawaii Press.
- Broussonetia papyrifera. Aute. Paper mulberry.
- Cambie R. C. 1986. Constituents of New Zealand plants. New Zealand Journal of Technology 2: 111-126
- Carex comans. Maurea. Longwood tussock.
- Carex flagellifera. Mānaia. Maurea.
- Celmisia holosericea. Pekepeke.
- Celmisia semicordata. Celmisia coriacea. Tikumu. Large mountain daisy.
- Celmisia spectabilis. Tikumu. Puakaito.
- Celmisia viscosa
- Clematis forsteri. Pōānanga. Pikiarero.
- Clematis paniculata. Puawānanga.
- Clematis spp.
- Clunie N. M. U. 1986. Cultivation and conservation of traditional weaving materials. Unpublished report.
- Colenso William 1868. On the Maori Races of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-76
- Colenso William 1881. On the fine perception of colours possessed by the ancient Māoris. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 14: 50-76
- Collospermum hastatum. Kahakaha.
- Connor J. 1983. A descriptive classification of Māori fabrics; cordage, plaiting, windmill knotting, twining, looping and netting. Journal of the Polynesian Society 92(2)
- Connor Jane B. 1983. Polynesian Basketry. M. A. , University of Auckland.
- Coprosma grandifolia. Manono. Kanono.
- Coprosma repens. Taupata.
- Coprosma robusta. Karamū.
- Cordyline australis. Tī kōuka. Cabbage tree.
- Cordyline banksii. Tī ngahere. Forest cabbage tree.
- Cordyline indivisa. Tōī. Mountain cabbage tree.
- Courtney Shannel 1985. Report to Ngā Puna Waihunga on the rehabilitation and establishment of pīngao in the East Cape Region.
- Cyperus ustulatus. Toetoe upokotangata. Giant umbrella sedge.
- Dracophyllum latifolium. Dracophyllum traversii. Neinei.
- Eleocharis sphacelata. Kuta. Paopao.
- Esler A. E. 1975. Pīngao in Northland. DSIR, unpublished report.
- Ficinia spiralis. Pīngao.
- Firth Raymond William 1972. Economics of the New Zealand Māori. 2nd edition. Wellington, Government Printer.
- Freycinetia banksii. Kiekie. Weaving plant.
- Gahnia lacera. Cutty grass. Toetoe-tarangārara
- Gahnia procera. Tātaki. Tūtaki
- Gahnia setifolia. Cutty grass. Māpere.
- Gahnia spp. Cutty grass.
- Garven Peter, Nepia Marty, Ashwell Harold 1997. Te Whakatau Kaupapa o Murihiku. Ngai Tahu resource management strategy for the Southland region. Aoraki Press.
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- Harris Warwick 1996, November. The Pandanus project. Commercial Horticulture
- Hierochloe redolens. Kāretu. Scented grass.
- Hoheria populnea. H. sextylosa. Houhere. Lacebark.
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- Juncus spp. Wīwī. Rush.
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- Plagianthus regius. Mānatu. Lowland ribbonwood.
- Poa cita. Wī. Silver tussock.
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- Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani. Kāpūngāwhā. Wāwā.
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27 August 2007
24 June 2019