traditional knowledge/rights

Related resources
- Balick M. J., Cox P. A. 1996. Plants, people and culture. The science of ethnobotany. Scientific American Library.
- Balick Michael J. 1996. Transforming ethnobotany for the new millenium. Annals of the Missouri Botanic Gardens 83: 58-66
- Bell Anne E. 1987. Plant patenting: a stimulus to excellence, or an expression of unedifying self-interest. Tuatara 29(1, 2): 3-7
- Cox Paul, Balick Michael 1994, June. The ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery. Scientific American: 60-65
- Cox Paul, Elmqvist Thomas 1993. Ecocolonialism and indigenous knowledge systems: village controlled rainforest preserves in Samoa. Pacific Conservation Biology 1(1): 6-13
- Davidson Janet 1984. The Prehistory of New Zealand. Longman Paul. 270 p.
- Dengate Thrush Peter 1994. Concerning the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 & Waitangi Tribunal Claim 262 "The indigenous flora and fauna claim". WAI 262: Record A5
- Dengate Thrush Peter 1998, May. WAI-262: New Zealand's indigenous flora and fauna claim. New Zealand Intellectual Property Journal: 303-310
- Dickison Mike 1994, May. Māori Science? Can traditional Māori knowledge be considered scientific? New Zealand Science Monthly: 6-7
- Elisabetsky, Elaine 1990 (Nov/Dec). The pharmacopeia from the forest. Garden Special issue on the new ethnobotany
- Forest and Bird Conservation News 90. 1995, February. Customary use of plants and animals.
- Given D. R., Harris W. 1994. Techniques and methods of ethnobotany. As an aid to the study, evaluation, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. London, The Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Health Research Council. 1994, September. Recording Māori Healing Practices.
- Maori and South Pacific Arts Council (Maspac) 1984. A report from the Māori and Pacific Island Weavers Hui, Te Teko, 19-22 October 1984.
- Martin Gary 1995. Ethnobotany. A methods manual. Chapman and Hall.
- McNeill Malcolm 1997. A critique of GATT:Trips. A report prepared for the Waitangi Tribunal for the hearing of the Treaty of Waitangi Flora and Fauna Claim (WAI 262). A17
- New Zealand Conservation Authority. 1994 (updated 1997). Māori customary use of native birds, plants and other traditional materials.
- Parsons Murray J. 1993. Ethnobotany - A Māori Perspective. In: Froggat P., Oates M. (ed.) People, Plants and Conservation: Botanic Gardens into the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Annual Conference, Wellington: 73-80.
- Roberts M., Norman W., Minhinnick N., Wihongi D., Kirkwood C. 1995. Kaitiakitanga: Māori perspectives on conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology 2: 7-20
- Spence Marianne. Ngati Porou angered by opposition to manuka use. Gisborne Herald, 1994, 28 April.
- Te Maori News 1994. "Export potential for traditional Māori remedies" and "Traditional Māori herbs in roll-on pain relief".
- Te Puni Kokiri. 1994. Mana Tangata. Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, 1993. Background and discussion on key issues. Wellington, New Zealand,
- Vastag B. 2006, 28 October. Traditional medicine, novel partnership. New Scientist: 54-55
- WAI 262. Indigenous Flora and Fauna Claim. A claim to the Waitangi Tribunal by Haana Murray (Ngati Kurī) and Dell Wihongi (Te Rarawa) and others relating to the protection, control, conservation, management, treatment, propagation, sale, dispersal,utilisation and restriction on the use of and transmission of the knowledge of New Zealand indigenous flora and fauna and the genetic reso.
- Walker Ranganui 1994, July. Suppressed knowledge. Metro: 129-130
- Wehi P.M. 2009. Indigenous ancestral sayings contribute to modern conservation partnerships: examples using Phormium tenax. Ecological Applications 19(1): 267-275
- Wehi P.M., Whaanga H., Roa T. 2009. Missing in translation: Maori language and oral tradition in scientific analyses of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 39(4): 201-204
- Wehi Priscilla, Wehi William 2010. Traditional plant harvesting in contemporary fragmented and urban landscapes. Conservation Biology 24(2): 594-604
- Williams D. V. 1997. Matauranga Māori and Taonga. The nature and extent of treaty rights held by iwi and hapū in indigenous flora and fauna, cultural heritage objects, valued traditional knowledge. WAI 262 record A15, document ref. 49981: GLD
- Williams N. M., Baines G. (ed.) 1993. Traditional ecological knowledge. Wisdom for sustainable development. Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University. .
- Wolfe R. 1989. Symbolic Botany. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 18: 8-9 and cover
- Wynn-Williams R. B. 1987. Plant breeders' rights legislation with special reference to native plants. Tuatara 19(1, 2): 8-12
- Yen D. E. 1993. The origins of subsistence agriculture in Oceania and the potentials for future tropical food crops. Economic Botany 47(1)
27 August 2007
24 June 2019