WAI 262. Indigenous Flora and Fauna Claim. A claim to the Waitangi Tribunal by Haana Murray (Ngati Kurī) and Dell Wihongi (Te Rarawa) and others relating to the protection, control, conservation, management, treatment, propagation, sale, dispersal,utilisation and restriction on the use of and transmission of the knowledge of New Zealand indigenous flora and fauna and the genetic reso.
Detailed claims are made in regard to these specific species: kūmara (Ipomoea batatas), pōhutukawa (Metrosideros spp.), koromiko (Hebe spp.), puawānanga (Clematis spp.) indigenous export timbers, pupu harakeke (Placostylis hongii), tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)
Bibliographic details
WAI 262. Indigenous Flora and Fauna Claim. A claim to the Waitangi Tribunal by Haana Murray (Ngati Kurī) and Dell Wihongi (Te Rarawa) and others relating to the protection, control, conservation, management, treatment, propagation, sale, dispersal,utilisation and restriction on the use of and transmission of the knowledge of New Zealand indigenous flora and fauna and the genetic resources contained therein.