Hammond T. G. 1894. The kumara, perei and taewa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 3: 237-238
Gives names and some brief notes on varieties of kūmara, perei and taewa (potatoes).
Kūmara. Hammond mentions that he has lost the names of 20 varieties given by the Hokianga Māori - "the names, however, may at any time be obtained from the Mahurehure tribe, at Waima. The Hokianga Māoris now only cultivate the Taroamahoe, Koreherehe, Kumara-Māori, and Waīna, - the latter being a new kind yielding abundantly on suitable soil.". Varieties listed.
Hammond also mentions a flowering variety. "When on a visit about ten years ago, to Kaeo, Whangaroa, the Rev. Wi Warena Pewa called my attention to a solitary flowering kūmara growing in his garden at Mangaiti. The leaves and stem were a rich dark green, and the flower like the ordinary wild convolvulus. During a residence of nine years in Hokianga, I had ample opportunities of seeing most of the kūmara cultivations in that wide district, but I never saw or heard of another flowering specimen."
Bibliographic details
The kumara, perei and taewa