
Related resources
- Agaricus sp. Tipitaha. Field mushroom?
- Agrocybe parasitica. Tawaka. Edible fungus.
- Anon 1891. An edible fungus of New Zealand (Hirneola polytricha, Montagne). Journal of Science 1(1): 55-58
- Armstrong J. B. 1880. On the occurence of the morel Morchella esculenta in New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 343
- Aseroe rubra. Puapua-a-Atutahi. Flower fungus.
- Auricularia cornea. Hakeke. Hakeka. Ear fungus.
- Beattie James Herries, Anderson Atholl (ed.) 1994. Traditional lifeways of the southern Māori. Dunedin, New Zealand, University of Otago Press. 636 p.
- Birch T. T. C. 1938. A synopsis of forest fungi of significance in New Zealand. New Zealand State Forest Service Bulletin 9
- Boletus fungus on beech
- Boletus fungus on tawa
- Calvatia caelata. Pukurau. Puffball.
- Clavaria. Tūtutupō. Club fungus.
- Colenso William 1880. Vegetable food of the ancient New Zealanders before Cook's visit. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 13: 3-38
- Colenso William 1891. Plain and practical thoughts and notes on New Zealand botany. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 24: 400-409
- Colenso William 1892. Bush jottings: number 2 (botanical). Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 25: 307-319
- Cordyceps robertsii. Āwhato. Vegetable caterpillar fungus.
- Crowe Andrew 1981. A field guide to the native edible plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Collins. 194 p.
- Crowe Andrew 1990. Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Auckland, Hodder and Stoughton. 200 p.
- Cunningham G. H. 1924. The Uredinales or Rust Fungi of New Zealand. Supplement to part 1 and 2. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 55: 1-58
- Cunningham G. H. 1927. The Polyporaceae of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 58: 202-250
- Edible fungus. Hawai.
- Edible fungus. Kapua.
- Edible fungus. Maiheru. Tiki.
- Edible fungus. Ngawari.
- Edible fungus. Pōhata.
- Edible fungus. Tīpa. Tūpā.
- Edible fungus. Wairuru.
- Fungi. Mushrooms. Harore.
- Fungus. Harori-atua. Harori-tui. Taylor
- Fungus. Ipurangi. Toadstool.
- Fungus. Karekawa.
- Fungus. Koaru.
- Fungus. Manauea.
- Fungus. Manehau. Toadstool.
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- Fungus. Tehetehe.
- Fungus. Toi. Toadstool.
- Fungus. Tūtaeruru. Toadstool.
- Fungus. Waewaeatua.
- Fungus. Whatitiri.
- Fungus. Woody fungus terms.
- Hericium clathroides. Pekepeke-kiore. Fungus icicles.
- Horrocks Mark, Fones Martin, Beever Ross, Sutton Doug 2001, May - June. Gourds, truffles and coprolites. New Zealand Geographic 51: 8-9
- Ileodictyon cibarium. Basket fungus.Tūtae-whatitiri. Whareatua.
- Kirk T. 1878. On the export of fungus from New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 454-456
- Laetiporus portentosus. Bracket fungus. Pūtawa. Roke-atua.
- Lichen. Hawa.
- McKenzie E. H. C. 1983. Mycological history and exploration in New Zealand. Archives of Natural History 11(2): 233-247
- McKenzie E. H. C., Galloway D. J. Fungi and lichen. In: Brownsey P. 1983. The New Zealand Biota - What do we know after 200 years. In: National Museum, Miscellaneous Series.
- Pholiota sp. aff. adiposa. Harore. Hawai. Edible fungus.
- Polyporus spp. Popoia-hakeke. Woody pore fungi.
- Taylor Marie 1981. Mushrooms and Toadstools. Wellington, Reed.
- Thomson Arthur S. 1859. The story of New Zealand. 2 vols. London, John Murray.
- Tikoatua. Fungus.
- Trappe James M. 1988. Use of truffles and false-truffles around the world. Atti del II Congresso Internazionale sul Tartufo, Spoleto, 24-27 November 1988.
- Tuber spp. Panako. Truffle.
20 November 2009
24 June 2019