flax (Phormium) cultivation

Related resources
- Allan H. H., Zotov V. D. 1936. An artificial cross between Phormium colensoi and Phormium tenax. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 18: 799-804
- Anon 1938, 1 November. Phormium investigations. Plant Research Bureau Circular 133
- Anon 1953. Moutoa Phormium development area. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 86: 498
- Atkinson Esmond H. 1922. Phormium tenax. The New Zealand fibre industry. New Zealand Department of Agriculture Bulletin 95
- Ayson B. 1977. Miranui - the story of New Zealand's largest flax mill.
- Best Elsdon 1908. Maori forest lore. Part II. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 41: 231-286
- Boyce W. R. 1950 ?. Methods of propagation. Phormium tenax. Unpublished.
- Clunie N. M. U. 1983. Waimango Swamp, Karikari: vegetation and sewage disposal. Botany Division, DSIR report.
- Clunie N. M. U. 1986. Cultivation and conservation of traditional weaving materials. Unpublished report.
- Cockayne L. 1911. Observations concerning evolution, derived from ecological studies in New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 44: 1-50
- Cockayne L., Allan H. H. 1934. An annotated list of groups of wild hybrids in the New Zealand flora. Annals of Botany 48:1
- Colenso William 1868. On the Maori Races of New Zealand. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 1(2): 1-76
- Crawford J. C. 1869. On irrigation as applied to the growth of New Zealand Flax. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 2: 129-131
- Critchfield H. J. 1951. Phormium tenax - New Zealand "s native hard fiber. Economic Botany: 172-184
- Eggers H. W. T. 1958. Mechanization in Phormium production. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture (96): 43-44
- Flax Commissioners (Hector J. ) 1872. Further papers relative to the preparation of the Phormium fibre. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G -17: i-v, 1-23
- Flax Commissioners (Hector J., Haultain T. M., Kebbell J. ) 1871. Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the preparation of the Phormium fibre or New Zealand flax . Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives G - 4: iii - xx, 1-103
- Flax Commissioners (Seymour A. P., Edwards N., Graham C. C. et al. ) 1870. Report of the Flax Commissioners on the means employed in the preparation of New Zealand flax. Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives D - 14: 1-58
- Heaphy Major 1869. On the New Zealand Flax. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 2: 116-117
- Hector Sir James (ed.) 1872. Phormium Tenax as a fibrous plant. Wellington, Colonial Museum and Survey Department.
- Hibberd, James Shirley 1870. New and rare beautiful-leaved plants; containing illustrations and descriptions of the most ornamental-foliaged plants not hitherto noticed in any work on the subject. London, Bell and Daddy.
- Holt L. W. 1929. The Phormium fibre industry. Master of Commerce, University of New Zealand (Auckland). 138p.
- Kelly T. 1866. The soil, climate and capabilities of Taranaki. Woon and Atkinson, Taranaki.
- Kirby R. H. 1963. Vegetable fibres - botany, cultivation and utilization. Leonard Hill, London. Interscience Publishers, New York.
- McBride-Whitehead Valerie. Phormiums of the future. The Garden, January 1988: 42-45
- Metcalf L. J. 1972. The cultivation of New Zealand trees and shrubs. Reed. 292 p.
- Miller W. N. 1925. Cultivation of Phormium tenax. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 31: 204
- Moss George S. 1955. Report on a visit to New Zealand to study the Phormium industry. Held, NZ National Library.
- New Zealand Department of Agriculture Annual Report 1908: 405-412. Phormium fibre variety experiments.
- New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 1923 (29): 321. Raising Phormium plants.
- Pendergrast M. J. 1986 (revised). Te Mahi Kete. Māori basketry for beginners. Auckland, Reed Books.
- Poole A. L. Boyce W. R. 1949. Studies of Phormium management, Moutoa Estate, Foxton. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology(31A): 4-1
- Puketapu-Hetet Erenora 1989. Māori weaving. Pitman (Longman Paul).
- Rahui to preserve particular sites for fernroot, ochre and harakeke.
- Rigg T., Watson J. 1945. Phormium tenax: manurial and cultural experiments at Westport. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 27(4): 336-342
- Scheele Sue. 1993, August. Coat of many colours. New Zealand Growing Today August 1993: 16-19
- Shortland E. 1856. Traditions and superstitions of the New Zealanders. Christchurch, Capper Press reprint 1980.
- Smerle G. 1923. Improvement of Phormium tenax for the fibre industry. Investigations at Miranui. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture 29: 363-370
- Smith S. Percy 1904. The Occupation of Wairarapa by Ngati Kahungunu. Journal of the Polynesian Society 13: 153-165
- Smith S. Percy 1908. History and Traditions of the Taranaki Coast. Journal of the Polynesian Society 17: 1-78, 110-148, 169-208
- Thompson Harlan, Pine Taiapa 1969. Plant his puku to the sun. New Zealand Gardener 26(6): 12-13
- Thouin A. 1803. Observations sur un envoi de plantes vivantes, et sur la naturalisation et la culture du lin de la Nouvelle-Zelande, qui en faisoit partie. Annales du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 2: 228-239
- Traill W. 1880. On the growth of the New Zealand Flax plant (Phormium tenax) in the Orkney Islands. The Gardener's Chronicle 3 January 1880: 10-11
- Wehi Priscilla M., Clarkson Bruce D. 2007. Biological flora of New Zealand 10. Phormium tenax, harakeke,New Zealand flax. New Zealand Journal of Botany 45: 521-544
- Wellington Philosophical Society (chairman Hon. Mantell) 1870. Meeting to discuss the best method of preparing native flax. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 3: 27
27 August 2007
24 June 2019