Kūmara cultivar. Kotepo. Kotipu.
Kūmara cultivar. Introduced pre-1900. Yen 1963:39 says most informants classed this variety in the Waīna group. Collected in Bay of Plenty and Northland but was not common. In Spanish group, (Bermuda section) under classification system devised by H. C. Thompson 1922 and 1949. Leaves and root illustrated. Roots are pink, inclined to be long, irregular, characteristically twisted. Yellow flesh. Sweet and inclined to be dry on cooking. Poor yield. A cream rooted form is common. Susceptible to the fungal disease "scurf". Storage quality fair. Māori state that cream roots commonly occur, in this variety, on the same plant as pink roots.
In list of kūmara varieties recorded by Gudgeon 1893, Best 1925.