ethnobotany theory and methods

Related resources
- Balick M. J., Cox P. A. 1996. Plants, people and culture. The science of ethnobotany. Scientific American Library.
- Balick Michael J. 1990 (Nov/Dec). Botany with a human face. Garden. Special issue on the new ethnobotany.
- Balick Michael J. 1996. Transforming ethnobotany for the new millenium. Annals of the Missouri Botanic Gardens 83: 58-66
- Beever J. (reviewer) 1990. Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 20: 9-10
- Begossi Alpini 1996. Use of ecological methods in ethnobotany: diversity indices. Economic Botany 50(3): 280-289
- Berlin Brent 1992. Ethnobiological Classification. Principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies. Princeton University Press.
- Berlin Brent The chicken and the egg-head revisited; further evidence for the intellectualist bases of ethnobiological classification 1991. In Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 57-66.
- Biggs Bruce. A linguist revisits the New Zealand bush. 1991. In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 67-72.
- Conklin H. C. 1972. Folk classification: A topically arranged bibliography of contemporary and background references through 1971. New Haven, Department of Anthropology, Yale University. 501 p.
- Cox Paul, Balick Michael 1994, June. The ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery. Scientific American: 60-65
- Cox Paul, Banack Sandra (ed.). Islands, plants and Polynesians. An introduction to Polynesian ethnobotany. Portland, Oregon, Dioscorides Press.
- Davidson Janet 1984. The Prehistory of New Zealand. Longman Paul. 270 p.
- Diamond Jared M. Interview techniques in ethnobiology 1991. In Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 83-86.
- Elisabetsky, Elaine 1990 (Nov/Dec). The pharmacopeia from the forest. Garden Special issue on the new ethnobotany
- Fankhauser Barry 1983. A multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of earth ovens. 15th Pacific Science Congress, Dunedin, 2-7 Feb 1983.
- Friedberg Claudine. 1991. Operative aspects of folk classification. In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 102-109.
- Given D. R., Harris W. 1994. Techniques and methods of ethnobotany. As an aid to the study, evaluation, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. London, The Commonwealth Secretariat.
- Hays Terence E. 1991. Interest, use, and interest in uses in folk biology In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 109-114.
- Hollyman K. J. What's in a nomial? Folk classification in New Caledonia 1991. In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 114-118.
- Jain S. K. 2000. Human aspects of plant diversity. Economic Botany 54(4): 549-470
- Johns T., Kokwaro J. O., Kimanani E. K. 1990. Herbal remedies of the Luo of Siaya District, Kenya: Establishing quantitative criteria for consensus. Economic Botany 44(3): 369-381
- MacPherson C. and L. 1991. Some Samoan observations on science and scientists . In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiologyin honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 589-593.
- Martin Gary 1995. Ethnobotany. A methods manual. Chapman and Hall.
- Mendelsohn Robert, Balick Michael J. 1995. The value of undiscovered pharmaceuticals in tropical forests. Economic Botany 49(2): 223-228
- Parsons Murray J. 1993. Ethnobotany - A Māori Perspective. In: Froggat P., Oates M. (ed.) People, Plants and Conservation: Botanic Gardens into the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture Annual Conference, Wellington: 73-80.
- Pawley A. (ed.) 1991. Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Auckland, New Zealand, Polynesian Society.
- Pond Wendy. Austronesian classification and the choice of endeavour 1991. In: Man and a half: essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer. Polynesian Society. Pp. 444-450.
- Schultes R. E., von Reis S. (ed.) 1995. Ethnobotany. Evolution of a Discipline. London, Chapman and Hall.
- Toop Martin 1990. Ethnobotany as a subject for high school courses. In: Harris W, Kapoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand 22-26 February 1988: 127-130.
- Walls Geoff 1990. From harakeke to pandanus. Commonwealth Science Council's Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources Project on traditional uses of plants in Aotearoa and the Pacific. The co-ordinators view. In: Harris W, Kapoor P. (ed.) Ngā Mahi Māori o te Wao Nui a Tāne - contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand 22-26 February 1988: 162-167.
- Wehi Priscilla, Wehi William 2010. Traditional plant harvesting in contemporary fragmented and urban landscapes. Conservation Biology 24(2): 594-604
- Wickens G. E. 1990. What is Economic Botany?. Economic Botany 44(1): 12-28
- Williams N. M., Baines G. (ed.) 1993. Traditional ecological knowledge. Wisdom for sustainable development. Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University. .
27 August 2007
24 June 2019