Barstow R. C. 1878. The Maori Canoe. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 71-76
Account of construction, history. Best timber - tōtara, kauri. kahikatea, light but not lasting. Rimu too heavy to be popular. Platforms for paddles made from mānuka sticks (kaiwae). Bailer (tiheru) made of mangaio.
Caulking done with huni (raupō flower). Sizing with juice of sow thistle and pōporo.
Karamea - a type of clay, burnt, mixed with water, applied to produce a brilliant red.
Sails were raupō leaves interlaced with flax twine. Anchor (sometimes) 3-4 crooked pieces of pohutukawa, lashed together with a stone.
Bibliographic details
The Maori Canoe
12 June 2007
20 June 2020