Tamarau Tutaka-ngahau (translated by E. Best). 1899. The Story of Hape, the Wanderer (as told by Tuhoe chiefs). Journal of the Polynesian Society 8: 49-57
Hape travelled from Ohiwa in pursuit of his fish (the greenstone). Took with him the mauri of the kūmara (in the stalk) leaving the matao (infertility). His descendants in Tūhoeland engaged in cultivating the kūmara but it would not grow. His grandchildren went in search of Hape. Hape died at Wai-pounamu, in a house overgrown with mawhai (a creeper) [Sicyos australis?]. Tamarau bit the ear of Hape"s body, became an atua. Took the belt containing the mauri of the kūmara.
Tamarau and Rawhiti (Rawaho?) returned to the North Island. Obtained food. Stopped at Arorangi, on right bank of Rangitaiki. Ate food. Rawaho went on, carried food. Tamarau flew from Waiohau to Whakangututoroa. Then he seized the tī which he"d brought from the other island and cast it down, that is Tī-whakaawe (the receding tī), then he lighted upon the hill Te Tirina. Then flew to Ohiwa. Rawaho journeyed to Hiwarau (near Ohiwa).
Stayed, cultivated the kūmara - plentiful crop when dug. Tamarau and Rawaho flew to Te Waimana, left mauri of kūmara there. Then both went to Kawekawe at Ruatoki (left bank of Whakatane opposite Waikirikiri native settlement), left mauri of kūmara there. Rawaho settled, died there. Tamarau moved on.
Bibliographic details
The Story of Hape, the Wanderer (as told by Tuhoe chiefs)