Fairfield Geoff 1995. Te Waiarohia o Ngaitai. The story of Bucklands Beach Peninsula. Tamaki Estuary Protection Society.
p.22. "The Newmarket School I attended was situated near the corner of Mortimer Pass and what is now Broadway. When they built the school they chopped down a fine cabbage tree, as they said it might be a danger to children. The cabbage tree was called Te Titutahi, meaning: "The cabbage tree standing alone". It was of great significance to the Māori as it was used for ceremonial purposes. It is likely that the tree gave its name to the area we now know as Newmarket. My grandfather was so saddened by the unnecessary destruction of the tree that he pushed his wheelbarrow down the hill and collected some parts of the trunk. He planted them at "Simla" so they lived on and grew into handsome trees."
Bibliographic details
Te Waiarohia o Ngaitai. The story of Bucklands Beach Peninsula