Containers. Māori terms for bark vessels.
On Kahu's voyage to Chatham Islands, his daughter Hine-te-waiwai had charge of two vessels - one with fernroot (Te Awhenga), the other with seed kūmara and taro (Rangiura - a 'papa tōtara') (Best 1942)
Names for bark vessels (in Best 1942).
For Tūhoe: Patua applied to water container. Usually made from inner bark of tōtara (rangiura. Stripping process described. Used for stone-boiling. (Vessel then called huahua or kohua).
Papa - one used for potting food supplies, e.g. birds and rats. A papa containing such food preserved in fat is alluded to as papa huahua (the latter word describing the contents)
28 May 2007
21 July 2020