Pteridium esculentum. Aruhe. Fernroot. Processing terms.
Māori names
tīreki, tihi, katihi, rangitihi, takaukau, tarai, aupatu aruhe, patu aruhe, tuaeke, paoi, pōtuki, kowao, patō, titara aruhe, kopure aruhe, tarau, poutuki, puru
In Best 1942, p71-72:
tārau - to pound aruhe
tarai - a basket for fernroot
tihi - a basket of fernroot
aupatu aruhe - a bundle of fernroots.
katihi, rangitihi, tīreki, titara aruhe - a stack of fernroots
Wooden pounders for pounding fernroot:
paoi, patō, patu aruhe, takaukau; pōtuki, poutuki
puru - to prepare the roots by soaking in water.
28 May 2007
11 October 2013