Phormium tenax ' Ngaro'. Harakeke cultivar. Orchiston Collection.
Harakeke cultivar. Very tall (up to 3 metres), straight. Bush has dark, bronzy green apppearance. The strong fibres show clearly through the skin of the blades. The young blades are a distinct bronze shade and are relieved by a scarlet line along the centre of the blades.
One of best milling varieties for strong fibre. Very good piupiu flax, particularly for ladies" piupiu, as it has length and the para comes away easily with a shell. Fibres surprisingly fine and silky for the strength of the blade. Would be ideal for whenu (warp) and aho (weft) in kākahu and korowai cloaks as it requires very little dressing. Makes strong kete. Rather inclined to dry out into mixed greenish to fawn tones when boiled for 1 minute. Darker when unboiled.