Best Elsdon 1901. Spiritual Concepts of the Maori. Journal of the Polynesian Society 10: 1-20
p.5 Mauri of Matatua canoe was a piece of fern or fernroot (makaka). Piece would be bruised and placed on affected part to find cause of illness. p.8 When Rongo-maui stole original kūmara from Whanui (the star Vega), he brought it to this world and cultivated it. When the kūmara grew and flourished, Whanui said to the people of the heavens, to Anuhe ( a caterpillar that eats kūmara leaf), to Toronu, to Moka (a caterpillar) "Go you below to Rongo, who will be as a support for you" (hei manawa mo koutou) That is, the creatures were to prey upon the kūmara, which they ever have done. Such was the revenge of Whanui for the theft of the kūmara by Rongo-maui
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Spiritual Concepts of the Maori